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Once Edward had everything set up, Carlisle entered the room with Jasper and Emmett. Renesmee watched as Emmett and Edward positioned themselves on either side of the bed and Jasper came to stand beside her. "Jacob," Carlisle spoke softly, "I've combined a strong antibiotic with a small amount of our venom. My hope is it will be strong enough to combat the venom in your veins. However, this could be painful and we may need to hold you down so you don't hurt yourself further. Is that alright?"

Jacob nodded. What choice did he have anyway?

"Not much," Edward muttered.

Renesmee refused to let go of his hand, holding his in both hers. "I'll be right here, I promise."

Jacob turned to look at Carlisle. "Let's get it over with."

Jasper put his hand on Renesmee's shoulder, and she felt a calming wave flow through her. She tried to channel it through to Jacob as Carlisle inserted the IV.  A minute passed before Jacob grit his teeth and groaned, but he was unable to hold back the scream that tore from his throat as the antibiotics reacted with the venom.  Emmett and Edward moved to hold him down, and Jasper wrapped his arm around Renesmee when she turned into his side. But she never took her eyes off her Jacob or let go of his hand.

After what felt like an eternity, Jacob's body relaxed and he lay still. Renesmee reclaimed her place by his side, stroking his burning cheek. "Rest now, my love. It's over."

Through heavy lidded eyes, Jacob gazed up at her. He whispered something to her in Quileute. She smiled, running her fingers through his hair. "Good. I'm glad it helps."

Her father gave her a small smile. "We'll give you two some time. Call if you need us."

"Thanks, Dad," she returned his smile as they all left the room. She turned back to Jacob, kissing his cheeks. His eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake. "Sleep, Jake. I'll be here when you wake up."

As his eyes finally drifted shut, he heard her whisper, "Kwopkalawo'li."

When an hour had passed, when Bella came in. She ran her fingers through her daughter's bronze curls and said, "How about I take over for a while?"

She shook her head. "I told him I'd be here when he wakes up."

"Knowing Jake, he'll probably sleep for hours, and I can sit in a chair longer than you can," Bella teased. Renesmee couldn't help but smile a little. "I'll come get you if he starts to wake up. And I think you should go talk to Seth. He's been outside for hours and he won't talk to anyone else."

"I will, thanks," she nodded, stretching as she stood up from her chair. She glanced at Bella again, "You promise to come get me?"

"The very second he moves an inch," she promised.

Renesmee kissed Bella's cheek. "Thanks, Mom."

"Of course," she said, watching her leave the room, her eyes staying on Jacob until the last second. Bella sighed, sitting down in the chair Renesmee had occupied. "Dammit Jake," she said softly. "How did this happen?"

She put her hands together and leaned forward, bouncing her knees, an old human habit that popped back up every now and then. "Remember when I first moved here?  God, it was so simple. Now, geez... there's no way to sum up everything we've been through. And you're in love with my daughter. It makes sense, I guess. We really were inseparable when I was pregnant, weren't we?  It was always Renesmee. She really is the best of me. And I'm so glad you have that, cause you're still my best friend. Even though I haven't been acting like it. You deserve to be happy after all the crap you've been through. And Renesmee... all I want is for her to be safe and happy. I know she'll be both with you. So you better beat this so I can tease you about being your mother-in-law, ok?  Our family is pretty messed up, but you're a part of it whether you like it or not. You gotta get better... because we'd never be the same without you."

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