Letting Go

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Humble apologies that this took so long to update. I originally wrote this nearly ten years ago, and I'd like to think my writing has improved since then, so it's going through quite the editing process.

Seth stood under the stars with his back to Renesmee, arms folded across his chest. Led by Paul, the rest of the pack had gone to see if they could track the vampire's scent. Sam volunteered to go pick up Rachel and Billy. But Seth couldn't bring himself to leave.

He heard her, of course, and without saying a word, he opened his arms to her. She ran to him, finally allowing her tears to flow. Seth held on to her just as tightly, burying his head in her hair. He tried to keep it together for her, but soon felt tears streaming down his own cheeks and a sob break forth from his chest. "I know," Renesmee said in a broken whisper. "Me too."

Neither one knew how long they stood there, holding each other and releasing the burdens they had been carrying all day.

Eventually, when their tears had dried, they sat in the grass, facing each other. She held his hand still, needing that physical connection. "How's he doing?" Seth asked.

Renesmee gave him a picture of Jacob asleep in the bed, just as he was when she'd left him. "Carlisle thinks the antibiotics should help."

Unbidden, the image of Jacob screaming and writhing in pain appeared. Seth flinched and she made to pull away.

"No, it's okay," Seth squeezed her hand. "I know that must've been hard, but I'm sure having you there made it easier on him."

"I hope so. Why do..." she began, but shook her head.

"What is it, Nessie?"

"Nothing. Never mind."

"Ness," he said, gently turning her face back toward his. "It's me. You can tell me anything, you know that."

"I just...  The waiting and not knowing..." she sighed, tears filling her eyes once again. "How has it not killed him yet?"

"Sam and Carlisle... they said there wasn't enough venom to kill him instantly."

"Oh." Renesmee dropped her gaze to their still entwined hands.

"I should've been there earlier. If I just would've been a little faster, this wouldn't be happening."

Renesmee snapped her head back up. "What? Seth, don't tell me you were there too!"

He didn't say anything, but his silence spoke volumes.

She felt sick and shook her head. "I can't lose you both."

Seth pulled her into his arms again. "You won't. I promise."


Edward stood at the foot of Jacob's bed, having asked Bella for a minute alone with him. Hesitantly, she had agreed. Not that he could blame her. He and Jacob had never really seen eye-to-eye, especially recently. But in spite of all that, Edward couldn't stand to see him like this. The antibiotic wasn't strong enough to have the effect they had been hoping for. Jacob was growing paler by the hour and his temperature continued to rise.

Not only did he feel powerless to help Jacob, but he had to watch Renesmee suffer as well. She was so worried for her Jacob. He had always been hers, and, loathe as he was to admit it, a part of her had always been Jacob's. Just when the two of them had stopped fighting over Bella, they began to fight over Renesmee. Perhaps that was just the way things were meant to be between them. Even though he had encouraged and helped explain imprinting to Renesmee, it had all gone far too fast. He wasn't ready to let her go. Life would have been so much easier if only... but no. That had become quite pointless. His life is was such a mixture of good and bad that it would be impossible to determine just what would made things easier.

He moved to sit in the vacated chair next to the bed but something caught his eye. On the table was a pile of things that Jacob had had in his pockets. Among the loose change, his cell phone, his keys, and a picture of Renesmee, was a small black box. His curiosity got the better of him and he opened it, revealing a small but elegant diamond ring.

Memories began rushing through his mind. Holding Bella, kissing her for the first time. Seeing her in the hospital, believing her to be dead after she jumped off the cliff and feeling as though he had nothing left to live for. The elation he felt when he realized his mistake and asking, nearly begging, Bella to marry him. Telling Charlie.

The last memory struck him like a slap across the face. The pained and angry look on Charlie's face was a familiar one. How easy it was to put Renesmee and Jacob in place of himself and Bella, and to see his own features reflected on Charlie. He could no longer deny that what they felt for each other was every bit as powerful as the love he and Bella shared. He'd seen the familiar longing and ache in Jacob's eyes, felt it through his thoughts, when Renesmee was not around. The love that burned in Renesmee for Jacob, was the same love that Bella carried for himself. And to think he had so foolishly tried to stand in their way when he knew better than anyone that nothing could.

He shut the ring box and placed it beside the picture of his daughter. As much as he tried to deny it, he knew it was time. He had to let his baby girl go. It was what she wanted and what would make her happy. And that was all he'd ever wanted.

He vowed then and there to do absolutely everything in his power to make Jacob Black well.

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