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Over  the next few days, Jacob was at war within himself. One minute he was  totally sure of what he was about to do, the next minute he knew he  could never go through with it. Then, he would change his mind again and  the whole thing would start all over. He was driving himself crazy. In  fact, he was driving the whole pack crazy. Seth had very nearly lost it  the other day, saying, "Dude, what do you think she's gonna say? 'No,  I've just been kidding this whole time?' Ask her already!"

He was  right, of course, and Jacob knew it. So what was keeping him from asking  her? He was glad Alice couldn't see his future. All his flipping back  and forth with this decision would've made her head spin.

Jacob  grabbed a quarter off his dresser. "Heads I ask her," he muttered,  "tails I wait." He was just about to toss it in the air, when he  growled, "This is ridiculous!"

He flung the coin against the wall,  leaving a dent, grabbed the box out of his nightstand drawer and shoved  it into his pocket. There was no time like the present. He ran out the  door and took of toward the cottage. Back in his room, the fated quarter  lay tails up.

Jacob made his way toward the house behind the  Cullen mansion. The tiny box in his pocket felt as though it weighed a  hundred pounds. He ran through the upcoming conversation over and over  again in his head, trying to come up with just the right way to convey  his feelings to Renesmee. But he had yet to step up onto the front porch  when Edward was suddenly before him, his golden eyes burning and his  body tense. Jacob was taken slightly aback. This hadn't been expected.  "Leave, Jacob," Edward growled.

Jacob scowled. He had been so  preoccupied that he'd completely forgotten about Edward's freaky mind  reading ability. Before he could respond, Bella was at her husband's  side. She looked irritated too. Almost as much as Edward did. Jacob  could only guess that Edward had told her what he'd heard. "Great," Jacob  sighed in frustration, "so now you're both in my head?"

"Leave. Now," Edward demanded again.

"I can't believe this, Jake!" Bella hissed. "How could you?"

"You  knew this was where all of this was going to eventually lead, Bells,"  Jacob said through clenched teeth, growing more and more irritated.  "And, as much as it may shock you, I didn't come here to see either one  of your cheery faces. As I'm sure you know already."

"Regardless, you should leave," Edward said, taking a threatening step closer to him.

Jacob wasn't intimidated. He took a step toward Edward as well. "I don't think that's for you to decide."

"It's my house," Edward hissed, "and you are not welcome."

Jacob's  shaking hands clenched into fists. He was debating whether or not it  would be worth it to phase right now. If he killed Edward, would Bella  still let him see Renesmee? Probably not. As Edward advanced on Jacob,  and the shaking increased, they all heard her beautiful voice float down  from her bedroom window. She leaned out, and for a moment, their anger  vanished. Jacob's body immediately stopped shuddering, and Edward  relaxed his stance.

"Jacob!" she called, with a huge smile spreading over her face.

He  waved up to her, then he heard Bella whisper so low that only he could  hear her. "She's our daughter, Jake. Our only daughter," she pleaded  with him.

She wasn't angry anymore. There was sadness and  heartache in her voice. Jacob's anger faded completely and he turned to  look into her golden eyes. There was pain there, and his heart sank when  he realized that he had caused it. Right then and there, he knew he  wouldn't be able to go through with his plan. At least, not today. He  cleared his throat and called up to Renesmee, "Hey Ness!"

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