Save You

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Hello loves!  I'm back with another chapter. There will be one more after this. Special thanks to Ali24097 for messaging me about updating. So glad you're enjoying the story and I hope everyone else is too! Also, I've created a Pinterest page for my stories. The link is on my profile or search RMBlythe. There may be some spoilers for future stories, but also fun pics of Nessie's ring and of the cast! Alright, enough chat. Enjoy darlings!!

"Will it work?" Renesmee asked after her mother explained. She'd heard the story before of course, but she didn't know how it would work with a shape-shifter versus a human.

"We have good reason to believe so," Carlisle reassured her. "With no venom, that makes you the best candidate."

Renesmee looked to Edward. "Do you think I'll be able to do it, Dad?"

Edward gave her a small smile. "I know you can. Just like I did."

She smiled back at him before turning to Jacob. "You don't have to do this, Ness," he whispered.

"I have to try," she said, placing her cool hand against his burning cheek. "I can't live without you."

Jacob coughed and shook his head. "Don't say things like that."

"It's true. You and me, always and forever, right?" she sniffed, fighting to hold back her tears.

Jacob blinked back a few of his own. "Right."

Renesmee looked up to see her family all around the room. "We'll be right here," Bella reassured her. "You can do this."

She sighed and turned back to Jacob. "Are you ready?"

Jacob nodded. "Are you?"

"I think so."

Jasper took a step closer and Seth moved to place a supportive hand on Renesmee's shoulder.

"I trust you, Nessie," Jacob said softly as she gently took his wrist in her hands, first pressing a kiss to his overheated skin.

"Always and forever, Jake," she promised, before sinking her teeth into his arm.

Jacob's body jerked when he felt her bite down on his wrist and four vampires moved in to keep him still. The pain was too much for him to try and figure out who it was. It took all his energy to focus on staying still and not crying out. He didn't want to make the process any harder for Renesmee.

He clenched his teeth so hard he wondered if they might break. The first time the vampire had bitten him in the woods, it felt like ice had entered his veins. Now, as Renesmee drew the venom out, he felt as though he was on fire. He swallowed a scream. How had Bella endured this for three days? He wasn't sure he'd be able to last a few hours without losing consciousness. Oh God. What if his blood did more than just taste bad? Could it hurt her? What if...

"It's gone!" Renesmee's relieved laugh pulled him from his dark thoughts. He opened his eyes to see her beaming down at him. "We did it. It's all gone."

Jacob sighed and closed his eyes, the fires having receded. There was a slight pressure in his head but nothing like before. His chest wasn't nearly as tight. And his body wasn't nearly as sore.

"Jacob," Carlisle's voice had him opening his eyes once again, "how do you feel?"

He smiled, looking over to Renesmee. "Better. Much better."

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she laughed, leaning in to kiss him.

"I'll go let everyone know the good news," Seth said, ruffling Renesmee's hair on the way out. He stopped at the door when Jacob called him back. "Yeah?"

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