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As  Renesmee and Bella ran through the forest after a pack of deer,  Renesmee could not shake the feeling that they were being followed. Her  mother sensed it too. Bella kept looking over her shoulder to make sure  her daughter was behind her, and that was all that was behind her. When  they caught up with the deer, they crouched low to the ground,  attempting to get as close as possible before they were detected. When  they sprung to attack, Renesmee stopped. A flash of platinum blonde hair  streamed past her just a couple hundred feet away. Her heart beat  faster within her chest as she stared into the forest searching in vain  for another glimpse of that hair through the trees.

Bella heard her daughter's heart beat escalate, and was by her side in a matter of seconds. "Sweetie, what is it?"

"I  saw something..." Renesmee began, but her voice trailed off. What was  she supposed to say? That she caught a glimpse of someone with really  light blonde hair running faster than anyone she'd ever seen, other than  Edward, and that alone had made her nearly as frightened as seeing Alexander  for the first time?

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye out."

Renesmee  nodded, and they continued their hunt. A short time later, Renesmee  finished off her last deer and the ache in her throat was all but gone.  She stood, and again, something in the trees caught her attention. This  time, she looked straight at the girl with the platinum blonde hair, who  stood just a few feet away from her. Renesmee's blood ran cold when she  saw the girl's blood red eyes. Before she had time to react, however, she was suddenly flying through the forest.

When her head stopped spinning, she realized she was on Bella's back and they were both flying back to the Cullen mansion.

Alice  met them at the door, immediately crushing Renesmee in a hug. "Thank  God you're here," she cried. "Are you alright? Oh I was so worried about  you!"

"I'm fine, Auntie," Renesmee said, shaking a little from  everything that had just happened, she imagined within the last thirty  seconds. "Mom got me out of there pretty quick."

"Oh Bella," Alice  cried, letting Renesmee go so Rosalie could embrace her. Alice hugged  Bella too. "I'm so happy you two are ok!"

"We're fine, Alice,"  Bella smiled. She looked around at Esme, Alice, and Rosalie. Carlisle  was at work. Emmett and Jasper were hunting today too, but where was her  husband? "Where's Edward?"

"He went after her with Jasper and Emmett," Esme said.

"Her?"  Renesmee asked from where she stood next to Rosalie. "Did you see who I saw in  the woods, Auntie?"

"I saw her. I saw her decide to..."

"To what Alice?" Bella said.

"It  was fuzzy. It was changing, constantly shifting," Alice said quickly  and shaking her head. The last thing she wanted to do was to scare  Renesmee by telling her that the vampire had been on the verge of  attacking them. "I don't know. She was changing her mind so fast it was  hard to make sense of anything. Edward didn't wait for a clear vision.  He raced out of here as soon as he heard someone was tailing you two."

Right  on cue, Edward burst into the room with Jasper and Emmett close behind  him. "Renesmee, Bella, thank God," Edward breathed, taking them both  in his arms.

"They're fine, Man," Emmett chuckled. "Let the kid breathe."

Edward sighed and released his daughter from his fierce embrace. She squeezed his hand, "I'm okay, Daddy."

"You  had us real scared, Princess," Emmett said, picking Renesmee up off the  ground and wrapping his arms around her in one of his bone crushing  hugs.

"Weren't you just saying somethin' about allowing her to breathe, Emmett?" Jasper chuckled.

"Whoops,"  Emmett laughed, setting Renesmee down gently on her feet. She wondered  what in the world Alice had seen to make them all react this way. Was  the vampire she'd seen in the woods really as dangerous as she had  sensed she was? Her family was acting as if they hadn't seen her in  months. She turned to see Jasper looking at her with care and  understanding in his eyes. With that one look, he communicated as much  love as the rest of her family had with their embraces.

"Edward," Bella said, still wrapped in her husband's arms, "did you find anything? Who was that in the forest?"

"We don't know," he said. "We followed her scent to the reservation. We lost her at the water's edge.

Just  then, Jacob entered the house, shirtless and in his jean cut offs  though it was relatively cold outside. "Jake," Renesmee cried running  straight into his arms.

"Nessie," he sighed with relief, curling his arms around her and pressing his warm cheek against her head. "Are you alright?"

She  nodded against his chest, then asked, "Why are you here, Jake? I mean,  I'm glad you are, so glad, but how did you know to come?"

"Your dad traced that vampire's trail to my house before she took off for First Beach and swam away."

"Your  house?" Renesmee echoed. Then the realization of what had happened hit  her full force. "Oh Jacob. Jake, she was following my scent and I led  her right to you! You could've been hurt... she could've... "

"Hey," he soothed, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "Nothing happened, Honey. I'm fine. Everything's okay."

"She  may not pose a threat," Esme said, trying to be helpful and shed light  on a frightening situation. "Do you suppose she could've just been  curious?"

"It's a possibility," Jasper nodded.

"Will you keep an eye on her, just in case, Alice?" Edward asked, concern still etched into the features of his face.

"You  know I will," she promised. With the vision of that blonde hurting  Bella and Renesmee, Alice would make it her top priority.

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