Much too late

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After the events of last night, I'm not only exhausted but very late for work. And Jasper hasn't even turned up - I have so many problems to sort out right now, that new ones are really not welcome. I can feel the guilt literally dragging me down as I approach the T.R.U.T.H., I just need something to take my mind off it, but how can I when it's all I've been thinking about. Not only have I most defiently ruined my relationship with Henry, Jasper is likely now on his side as well. So, where does this leave me? What I'm doing should be right, I was only protecting the company I work for, that could eventually save the city we live in.

'You're late,' Dr Desilva reminds me as I open the door.

'I know, I'm sorry, I just had an agrument with one of my friends over these pills.' I off load while still trying to maintain my respectable outwards exterior.

'These pills - they're orange, aren't they?' My boss enquires steeping towardly me, the way he moves is so unsettling and yet so familiar. But all I can focus on is that I've said too much, I weren't supposed to mention the pills, and now Henry and Jasper could be in serious trouble.

'Yes, they are similar ones but I'm sure I can retrieve them all - my friend may be an idiot but he's no drug dealer.' I interject in, if I can talk Henry into simply giving them back maybe I could get the T.R.U.T.H. to press a light fine, one that wouldn't ruin him.

'No worries, Miss Paige, the matter is tiresonme and irrelevent,' He waves his hand through the air, as he starts to walk me towards the labs,' No, we don't have to waste time anymore, what we need to do is move forward to Step Two.'

'Step Two? What is Step Two?'

He smiles - I've seen that smile before, like with the walk it's familar but I just can't seem to place a finger on it. 

'Step Two is highly important, Charlotte, it's concerns you very deeply.' His eyes rest upon me and something unnerves me. A feeling that I had always tried to push aside since the start, that I know I probaly should have listened to.

'Human trials?' I mumble timidly, my heart beat pulsing as stress rises throughout me.

'Why no! We have moved a long way past human trials - the trials was a success actually,' he can't be serious, can he? Jasper and I have been working on that for months, because he said the trials didn't work! Because he said we hadn't done our job right!

'Sir, I don't understand! You told us-'

'I kept you busy - I need to make sure you were in the right position that you are in now.'

'I don't this, what do you even mean?'

We approach a room off side the labs - a room that I've never been into, a room I didn't really know existed. I may be confused, I may be uncertain but one thing I know is that I need to get the fuck away! My hand reaches for my phone, as I fumble the buttons for Jasper's number, and I can hear a small beap as it begins to ring.

'Dr Desilva, I really should be going -'

'And why's that, Char, you should be at work. And here you our.' I feel myself fall forward as the world blurs around me turning slowly into blackness.


'Miss Charlotte Paige - 19 - Female.'

My eyes fly open as my breathing rattles along to the sound of the computor screen in front of me. I'm not entirely sure where I am, or what time it is but all I know is the T.R.U.T.H. is bad news. Bad news that I'm now involved in, what ever this happens to be. Okay, I need to assess the situation I'm in - whatever I do I can't freak out, that would mean my death for sure. The problem is it doesn't like I'm in a position to do anything, I'm scraped down to a metal surface and all I can see is the screen in front of me - something that doesn't nessarily give me a lot of room to plan my next move.

Just as I expected Jasper hasn't picked up yet - at the time I need him the most! It should be going through, I could just say what's happening hoping he's on the other side, but what's the point? It's unlikely he is, the chance is incredibly small. No, I have to have hope in him. No, I need to have hope in him.

I go to speak but find myself interrupted -

'And now for Stage Two!'

Mr Desilva's voice, not exactly the comforting sound I needed. The background whirring noise goes louder and louder, and I can't help but scream.

Without me planning it really, I think the story has now entered the climax so hopefully it will go well. I really hope everyone's enjoying it and I would love to hear your feedback, please, because I would love to improve and change my writing as I go. As always thank you so much, and sorry for the influx of Billie Eillish Songs - I'm obbessed at the moment!

theedangerdays x

Henry Danger: The T.R.U.T.H about Dystopia Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now