Chapter 14: Hauntings

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Y/n's POV

I lay in bed, thinking. Just thinking. Nothing much, but it did a good job at stopping me from sleeping. From the other side of the room, Joy turned over and sniffled in her sleep. I thought, how can I think about nothing, because Irene told me that's how you go to sleep. It just sort of, happens. And it happened tonight.

Dream (flashback)

I was walking to the training studios, not for training this time. I so badly wanted to debut, so when I was called to a meeting I made sure I left home in time to be early.

However, the world was working against me and I managed to arrive five minutes late.

"Finally. Miss L/n is here. I'd better not regret this." said a manager who I didn't know. She had short hair and her eyebrows looked like slugs.

Another trainee, Kim Yerim, was already sat at the desk, glancing back at me nervously.

"Y/n L/n is a talented trainee, and soon to be idol." said Reni oppa. He always had my back.

"Yes, please take a seat."

I sat next to Yerim and was briefed on stuff like standards and what to do in certain scenarios. I nodded and listened intently, making careful mental notes.

"And one more thing." said Slug-Eyebrows. "If we see fit, you will be removed from the group."

My eyes widened in horror. If that happened, it was highly unlikely I'd ever debut again. I was determined to prove myself.

"That'll be all. I will monitor your activity as long as you live with the members." she said. "Goodbye."

I was left alone in the room, and went home after they didn't return. I'd never been popular in school or with adults. I was passed off as the quiet, plain girl. The one who didn't really speak or do anything special. Yes, she was a trainee but a lot of girls wanted to be idols someday. She was nothing special. I was nothing special.

Fat droplets of water hit my head and my bare arms, my cotton bag and the documents I was carrying. It didn't seem worth it to find shelter or put on my coat. It got in my eyes and everything was blurry. The bus stop down the road was a smudge of blue in the distance. If I ran, I could get there and take a bus home before the last one left. My footsteps were heavy and imprecise, and I splashed water all over my leggings. I kept running, a little out in the road for fear of getting other people on the street wet, and looked down to keep it out of my face. A mistake. I looked up. A bus, but I'd missed it. And it was coming for me.

I woke up in a bright white room which hurt to look at.

"Where am I....?" I murmured, and the nurse only just heard me.

"She's round. Get the gas and air. She might need it."

It was as if she didn't even realise I could hear her. I tried to sit up, and a pain worse than anything I'd ever felt shot up my leg into my back.

"Don't do that!" she snapped, helping me back down into a resting position. "Doctor! Quickly!"

A doctor in a green shirt approached us, and I was relieved to see something that wasn't white for a change.

"Miss Y/n, I presume?"


"You were involved in a crash along the road from SM Headquarters. I'd rest if I were you."

"What?!" and the memories flooded back to me.

"Yes, unfortunate, though now we may have to run some more tests to find out if she has a concussion. Patient appears not to know how she ended up here."

"I know why I'm here!" I said. "I just- What am I like right now?"

"You have suffered a fractured femur and several deep cuts, but nothing too serious."

"Nothing too serious?! I won't be able to train for weeks!"

Then I remembered. My debut.

"Two months, actually, and we've already spoken to your company. It's okay."

"You don't understand! I'm going to debut in two weeks!"

"Not anymore. It's been pushed forward to the forseeable future."

I gave up talking to him. Everything I'd ever trained for was gone, well that's what it felt like.

"Uh oh. We have visitors." said the nurse, and something banged on the door.

While everyone rushed to the back, hiding behind tables and in cupboards, I was stuck. I couldn't move. The door flung open, and a huge dog of my nightmares stood there, snarling. I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth. It saw me, and pounced.

Back in the real world

I sat up in bed, gasping, my face damp with tears. It was just a dream. I pulled the covers up close to my chin, and stared around the dark room. Joy was getting up and I sighed with relief.

"Was it the dream again?"

"Yes, but it's fine."

"Are you okay?"

"...Yes. Guess what happened at the end though. Something that never happened before. A big dog came into the hospital and pounced on me."

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Of course I am."

"Okay, go back to sleep."

She was gently snoring in minutes, little snuffles coming from her side of the room. I could never go back to bed after that. It sounds childish but I was scared it would come back, worse. And that's why I debuted a year after Yeri.

Here's the long-awaited chapter! Sorry it's been so long but I'm getting back into regular updates now!


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