Funhouse Mirror

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Janus sunk out feeling like he was on cloud nine. A wide grin plastered on his face as he walked back to the dark mindscape. He reflected on how Thomas had finally come to somewhat accept the deceitful side although, it was clear that Roman did not share the same sentiment.

He thought back to the cruel words that had come from the prince and his smile faded. Janus revealed personal information to the group and Roman's reaction was so... childish but it somehow hurt him deeply. He was also not proud of how he acted in that moment as well, firing such a juvenile insult back at the fanciful trait was not the best move. But hopefully it would be put in the past. He would make things right with Roman later. Right now however he needed a glass of wine.

The scale-faced man approached the door to the dark-scape but just as he was about to open it he could have sworn he heard stifled sobs. He brushed it off as probably being one of Remus' "victims" which were usually a clone of one of the others that he would then kill or torture. Something scratched at the back of his mind though; it didn't sound like one of the others it sounded... familiar.

He opened the door to find Remus nowhere in sight.


Janus sauntered over to the wine rack and pulled out a bottle then got a glass from the cabinet and slowly poured himself a glass, swirling the red liquid around a bit before taking a sip. It wasn't the best wine he'd ever had but it would do. He poured another glass for Remus and picked both up as he went to go find his chaotic companion to tell him all about what happened.

As he walked slowly towards Remus' door smiling at the thought of telling his friend about the events of today Janus definitely herd the sobbing get louder. His face painted with worry as his pace moved to a light sprint. A million thoughts raced through his head as he reached the door. "Was it something he'd done of something one of the others had said?".

Deceit's mind filled with what ifs, worst case scenarios and to silence them he had to open that door. He slowly turned the sliver and jade door handle and feverishly pushed it open.
Dead silence.
Not even a small sniffle. Janus' eyes searched the room for his companion; there he was curled up in a ball in the corner. The deceitful side couldn't see Remus' face and wondered whether Remus was just being his weird, eccentric self but something just felt off...

Trying to play it cool Janus plastered a fake smile on his face "Remus you will not bElieve what happened when I visited the light sides today I-"

"Oh I heard all about your little visit," Remus seethed through gritted teeth. He was on the verge of a full on breakdown. "Do you really think I'm evil?" he murmured in a hushed tone.


Authors Note: Hey guys so this is my first fic so hopefully you like it, the cover art is by me btw! Anyway it's like 3am so I should probably sleep lol, Bye!

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