CHAPTER 11: Watch your back

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You tell flowey that if he really did that on purpose, you should already know. "B-bu-!" "No buts. (Hé hé, he said but)I just...have a feeling...that chara may come back. And if she does...we will have a problem..." "hey, doll. Ya coming or what? We are gone go to alpys's lab to check this out." "Y-yea. Gimme sec." You dress up with some of sans' clothes. You feel safe whenever you're with him.

You put on a jacket, and a turtle neck on from sans, and walk towards the door. He sees you and his bone cheeks begin to blush a light red color. You smile, and walk to Hotland. "Geez, it is HOT in here! How can you not feel this!?" Sans looks at you and smirks. Thats, er, magic? Dunno, I don't have skin. Welp, here we are." You see a laboratory in the way. You save. "Seeing such a strange Laboratory, fills you with DETERMINATION" pling!

You both walk in the lab, and it is, quite cool in here. "It is cooler then outside...means's quite...COLD HEARTED just to walk in here without knocking!" You laugh, and say: "nah, I just know she will be COOL with that!" You both laugh so hard, that you didn't notice that Alphys was already here. "Huhum" she (YES ALPHYS IS A GODDAM SHE YOU PERVERTS WHO THOUGHT SHE WAS A BOY >=)) walks up to you, and says: "so this girl huh. Hi, I'm alphys, the royal scientists." She (YEEES) shakes your hand, and you follow her to, what you assume, is the true lab. But before you could enter the lift, alphys stops you.

"No other people allowed in my lab, stay here with snans, alright?" You read the page again, because you thought that alphys just said 'snans'. Oof it is true. You look at sna- (gaster blaster charging sound) uuuuuh... RUN!! BEEB take 2 you look at sans and he looks at you.

"Oke, I need a blood sample of you both." Alphys takes your and sans' blood (HOW HES A SKELETON) and walks into the lab. After 35 min, she comes back. "And?" "W-well...this may come as a surprise, but....erm..." *spongebob voice* 20 minutes later "soo what you are saying is that sans is possessed by a sort of magic and this could happen again permanently if error sn-...(gaster Blasters charging sound) RUN BEEP take 3 if error sans gets his string on him...oof"

"Yes..." you walk out of the lab. Sans walks behind you. "Hey, [y/n]? Can I ask ya something?" "Sure, what is it?" Sans looks at the ground and then at you. "Erm...since you stepped out of the ruins, i have been following you...and, aghr....why is this so hard to say?!?" He rubs his eye sockets, and goes on. "And I have been gaining a feeling i don't know how to describe..."

You know what he is gone say, and you just finish his sentence. "I love you to, bonehead. I didn't kiss ya for nothing." He thought it was a comfort kiss, but it wasn't. You are officially in love. "Do you remember when I sang a lullaby for ya? That is something i only do for meh boyfriend..."

"Why are they falling in love!? Argh... error, can you send your friends? Gaster, what do we do after this really necessary?" "🔯👈💧(yes)" "yea, they are already on their way. So i will come back when you need me. I will go destroy some AU's. Bye."

"Are we already there?" "Shut up dust. Error gave me the leadership, so shut up." "Really, why don't we just teleport to our location, Nightmare?" Me walk into the place where they are "BECAUSE THE BOOK HAS A LONGER PLOT!!! THATS WHY KILLER!!!" I walk away

"K" "plplplpl...ame just go teleport. I don't care bout' the author." TP's in and slaps dust in the face "DON'T YOU DARE! I CAN LET YOU NOT EXIST SO DON'T ANNY OF YOU GUYS DARE TO SPEAK UP TO MEH" teleport away "geez..." "HMMMMMMM? DID I HEAR SOMETHING? NO? I WILL GO NOW...." hears me laugh in the background

"Welp...that was certainly something. Hey dust, knock knock." "Who's there..." "a mos." "A mos who?" "A MOSQUITO!!" Nightmare and dust do a facepalm intensive. "I am gone kill you if ya make one more knock knock joke. Really." "Welp, ame not do that, cous' we are at the location."

Heya, lovelies. I hope this was a little funny for ya. Peace out, and...DON'T SPEAK UP TO MEH sna- (gaster Blasters charging sound) RUN take i do have lots of fun making this book/fan fiction. See y'all soon!!

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