CHAPTER 16: Chara's return

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Omg...what did he just say to me? "Chara's coming again?" "Yes. She just won't get outa my head." "What did she exactly say?" "...I only remember that she just smiled, and said: 'i will come back, stronger then ever! Error just has a weakness to meme/undertale songs. How? Don't know, don't care. See ya soon!' Thats all there is."

"Soooooo, yea. The bad sanses just have a song weakness?" "Apparently." I stop for a moment and then burst out in laughter. "So ya are telling me, that sanses have a SONG WEAKNESS?!? OMFG I AM DEAD!!!! AHAHAHHHHAHAHHAHAHAH" he seems to realize that to, and laughs with me.

He slams his fist to the wall. "Hey, boss?" "WHAT #SSH#LE!?!" "Some sanses have a weakness for songs!" And then we hear papyrus starts to sing. "Yea, doesn't work with me though." "And thanks for meh new ringtone!" I say, playing the ringtone. "WHAT!? F#CK OFF..." "NEVER!" I smile to sans and kiss him on his forehead. "Lets go to sleep." "Yea *yawn* good idea."

The next morning i wake up, and go cook some food for the guys. They deserve it. "HEY BOSS, SANS! I MAKED FOOD!" And i immediately hear sans Yeeting himself to a portal, seeing him the next second standing besides me. "What'ya making?" "Bacon and eggs. You both can use some skin on ya."

And there boss screamed. "NOOOOOOOOO! GOT F#K#NG DANGIT!" We both laugh, and start to set the table. "Boss! Ya coming, or not?" "WAIT, I'M ALMOST DONE, I CAN'T FIND MY BATTEL BODY!" "I put it in the i'm in trouble..." "YOU DID WHAT!?!" "Run sans, run!" I joke.

"No, i am seriously. He's gone kill me whenever I do that." "Oooh sh#t. Then I will get it for him. Just eat the food, K?" I walk upstairs, grap the battle body, and Yeet it in boss' room. "Here ya go" "THANK YOU, [Y/N]!" "No problemo." "...this is good food!" I hear sans saying from downstairs.

"Thank's." I giggle, as i walk downstairs. After a few minutes, boss comes down. "[Y/N], THIS IS DELICIOUS! WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO COOK THIS GOOD FOOD?"

"...well, I wanted to be a cook when i grow up, and I already worked at a restaurant as an extra job..." "wow, never knew. Hey, [y/n]?" "Yes sans?" "Can ya learn boss cook? He would like that."

"Erm...sure! Hey papyrus? Wane learn how to cook?" "YES PLEAS! THANK YOU [Y/N]!" "Hey, no problem." I finish my own food, and sit at the table. "Sans. We need to talk."

"Oh, yea...that..." "first thing's first. Where do the nightmares go about?" "...i can never remember..." "oké. Second. Why did ya tell boss this, and not me?" "I was scared you would just react like i was some weirdo..." "you aren't a weirdo. Third. Why do ya have nightmares, and how often."

"I have them all night long, but i can just hide my feelings to well. And I think it's cause...i dunno..they just appeared one day..." "hey, just wane help. If ya want space, i will give ya space.

I look sans in the eye socket, and comfort him. "Hey, don't ever think some bad stuf is gone happen when you tell people this. They want to help ya." "...thanks for the food though..." "no prob." "YOU KNOW I AM STIL HERE, RICHT?" "yea, just...I don't care. You're my brother." Sans is really sensitive...wonder what caused it.

Hey lovelies! I have a question for y'all. What's ya country you came from? I come from the Netherlands!
Word count: 616

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