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"Bring me a cup of coffee please"

"Yes ma'am " replied my father's assistant Matt.

I had sensed a headache ascending towards my head. Yesterday after I took a shower, I was greeted by sheer silence and a note.

A heavy sigh left my mouth as I look over the files.
Since mom and dad were away I had to take my dad's place at business, it was a part of conveincing for my parents to have some time to themselves. I loved business, and I wanted to be perfectly ready before taking over the company as the CEO of Weston Inc limited.
Business isn't easy but I was ready to give it all for my parents' happiness.

Jason had left saying that an issue came up which needed his immediate attention. I would be lying to say that I wasn't affected by this. I was surely disappointed by his actions.

It wasn't even like he stood me up. But atleast he left me a not and I was no one to him to be disappointed by his actions.

My thoughts disappeared as Matt entered with my coffee.

" What do we have next, Matt?"

"We have a weekly report meeting exactly in 30 minutes."

" Did you mail me all the reports ?"

" Yes ma'am"
I sat on my computer and spent a good amount on the reports, I had a hunch and it came true as I saw the pattern of problems arising in finance department.
I pulled out the previous reports as Matt came in unannounced.

" Ma'am I am sorry but I  knocked and it's almost tim-"

" Cancel my meetings and clear my schedule for the day please."

"Are you sure ma'am, it's your first meeting after all."

" Yes I am sure, and I don't want to be disturbed for the day and about the meeting with the Blakes', I'll see to it. And that will be all."

After that I decided to ring Blake cooperations. There was nothing more important than resolving the issue in my company. The meeting could wait.

" Hello, Blake cooperations, how may I help you?" A female picked up, an assistant probably.

"Good morning, this is Cathedral Weston, I will not be free to attend today's meeting, so I would like to reschedule, I hope that's fine by Mr Blake?"

" Yes it is fine Ms Weston, I'll let him know."

I pulled out all the information I needed, the problem I detected dated back to three years ago and since then I had seen a pattern in functioning of the finance department.

The old file room must have all the additional information I needed.
And I needed a computer specialist to decrypt some similar files. I knew exactly whom to call

" Hey Ashley, how have you been?"

I can't believe it! It has been more than ten hours, the office was empty and silence prevailed.
As soon as I called my junior Ashley, whom I had known in college, she agreed to come and help me in return of an internship.
It took us two hours to decrypt many files which looked exactly the same, but the figures of dollars different in each one.
Million of dollars were just lost, poof, lost!
My anger was beyond control when I heard my phone ring the third time in this row.
The caller ID displayed 'DAD'
hurray! my business career is coming to an end before even starting.

" Cathedral Weston, in what world do you live that you rescheduled a very important meeting?"

And I am officially deaf now.

" Dad calm down, there is a bit crisis in the finance departme-"

" Then see to it, I don't want you slacking around and shooing away the clients."

Remind me again , why did I sign up for this?

" Dad I am sorry, I'll handle it, jus-just enjoy your vacation, I'll meet with them tomorrow."

With that I cut the call threw my phone in the middle of paper and files.

I feel so angry and frustrated now, the only reason not to go to London and become an architect was because of the man who just called me unworthy.

I could either leave right now and maybe catch a flight to London and never come back; or I could investigate deep into the matters of millions and stay with my family.

And me being me choose the second one.
I looked into every single detail of bank accounts affiliated with our company and trace the transaction.

I couldn't trust anyone with this fragile information so decided to keep my mouth zipped.

Taking a break I looked at the clock an- what the hell? It was already three in the morning!
What do normal twenty-one year olds do at three?

They sleep!

No doubt I was beyond exhausted and needed to take a break, but if I slept now, the probability of me, opening my eyes before evening was zero in a million!

I made my schedule, checked all my emails and e-mailed every single company to reschedule the meetings to today as I needed this week before my parents would return.

I heard employees entering and chirps of ' good morning' all around.
It was already eight in the morning and I was up for my thirteenth cup of coffee, I held closely on my cup as I walked through the filling hallways as a body bumped into me, causing all the coffee to spill, and spill over her.

" You bitch, are you short of eyesight as well as your height?"

Said the girl wearing a six inch high heels and I, was wearing flats.

Today and this moment to be precise was a very bad one to mess with me.

"Which department do you work in?"


"Which department?"

" Marketing and advertising"

" Ahh. Meridith I recognise you, you're fired."

" What?"

She let out a dry chuckle.

" I've seen your files and we don't tolerate slacking around , you're fired."

My yesterday doesn't seem to end because today is even more disastrous.

Meridith Kenn, one of the employee who had most of the complaints registered on there name.

This company has the most work oriented employees and if it was to be kept that way, there was a lot to sweep clean.

" Matt, good that you came early, we have a lot to do today and I have set my schedule, so you will be doing some homework for me, while I attend meetings."

" Ma'am but I need to tak-"

" Don't worry about taking notes, I will do it, I have emailed you what you need to do, better get started."

"Okay ma'am "

He started to leave, when I stopped him.

" Oh and Matt, I like your loyalty to my father."

" I don't understand ma'am "

" Let's not pretend that you did not make any phone call to my father yesterday."

" I am sorry ma'am, but-"

" But you need to understand that I am in charge now, and I sent my parents on a vacation and you might have just ruined it, considering that it will be me in my father's position in a few months, I mean this in the politest way, you might be putting your job in danger."

" I understand well ma'am "

This day has just started and I have fired one employee and threatened to fire my dad's most trusted man.


Q- What do you seek in your Significant Other?

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