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" Is Samantha at your parents' house too?" I asked as I put the water bottle on the table and pouring it into two glasses.

" Yes, I have asked Lyssa to drop her to New York, I will send someone to pic-" Was he serious? Never in the world will I ever trust an employee to bring my child all the way to New York.

" Jason, NO!"

" What?" He questioned me as he served the spaghetti.

" You may trust Lyssa but I don't, I can go and bring Samantha." I suggested.

" No, Cathedral I can't ask you t-" Was he still hesitant with me ? We had leveled up our relationship in every way possible.

" I consider you my family Jason and so is Samantha. I know you wanted to go but you can't. I will make sure she gets here safe. I am sorry but I don't trust Lyssa." I got up from my seat and proceeded towards the balcony.

The view in front of me calmed me. The undying lights of the never sleeping city. It made me feel wide awake. I was engrossed in looking at the lights when I felt a presence beside me.

" I am sorry Wes, I didn't mean to upset you." He said without glancing at me.

I let out a sigh, I had to talk it up with him or I won't sleep for a week or more.

" Tell me, do you not consider me as family?"

" No, no Wes. You mean more than just family to m-"

" Why did you hesitate to ask? I am more than happy to help Jason, let me be your family. Let me in, truly, please." I pleaded with a broken voice.

" Wes, you are an angel. Sometimes I feel I don't deserve you. Your soul is so pur-"

" You deserve me Jason. Don't you dare say it. Maybe people aren't just made for each other, maybe we won't last forever. But till the last moment we have, I am too damn selfish to ever let you go, I am too weak to live without you Jason." My eyes shimmered with the love I had for him.

" I want you to open up to me, fully. Whether I like it or not, you get that?" I tried to threaten me but failed glamorously.

" I get that." He pulled me into an embrace and didn't let me go until I had to break it.

" I promise to you, I will never ever let harm come to Samantha." I knew how greatly Samantha meant to him. He loved her more than he loved his sister.

" And I promise to never let any harm come to you both, both of my angels." 

" I will book my flight for tomorrow, let's get over with dinner first." I had to make a couple of calls to the office both in here and in Seattle.

We had dinner with no words exchanged. After that I left to do a couple of important things in the study,

" You will take the jet to Seattle." I heard Jason speak as he leaned against the doorframe.

" Okay." I said.

" Jason?" I called him as he had turned to go.

" Yeah?" He spun towards me.

" Have you talked to your parents?" I asked .

" No, I haven't, but I had a conversation with Jared." His was filled with agony and sadness.

" I think you should ring your parent, they must be-"

" I can't Wes, I don't know what will I say. I was the one walked down Vanessa down the aisle. My parents were not in an agreement with them getting married."

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