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I had lost my breathe, literally. When I heard that Cathedral has been in an accident. I left The meeting immediately and went to the hospital.

As I entered, my mind sprung some past memories of me in hospital, not so long ago. The smell of the chemicals and medicines had engulfed me and hunches already started to evolve in my mind. 

I could not afford to lose Cathedral all over again. She had become the reason of my smile.

I still remember the day we met. She sat along the stairs instead of being at the dance, I had been invited there as a guest of honor. The mask sat on her face, hiding most on her beautiful features. 

Only I could see was her eyes, the ocean in them decorated by loneliness. The color of her eyes matched the color of her dress. The silk-like hair, cascading down and beautifying her small figure. Something in her eyes, quenched me of the desire to know her, To know the oceans in them. I was a man of my needs then, till she came along and made me all hers. 

She was no model, No actress, but she was alluring. As I got to know her, there was so much more than a shy beauty, she was an angel, her soul so pure. 

As we got along the lines, I knew I was touched down by an angel. Her compassion sparkled the brightest in her, how she would help the professors or her juniors. Politeness was at top of her manners. 

The day when she made me dinner at my house at the dead of the night, despite of my 'no's' and her test the next morning, I fell in love with her. I fell too hard.

The sound of loud sobbing broke the chain of thoughts. I turned my head to see Mrs Weston bawling her eyes out along with Mr Weston supporting her.

" Will she be okay, Jason?" Mrs Weston asked.

" You know what happened last time, we can't lose her."

I felt numb, I could not speak so I sat down processing what happened.

" Mr Weston?"

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, my head shot up to see the doctor.

" Is she oka-" 

" She is out of danger, the injuries were not major but it will take some time for her to wake up."

I felt a sea of relief poured over me as the doctor told me she was out of danger.

" Mr Weston, do you know what was she doing twenty miles out of the town?"

" She told us she was going to the office to collect some files." He replied.

I looked through the circular glass of the door, she had so many tubes connected to her body and the bandages made her look lifeless than she already was. Tears were welling up in my eyes but I had to stay strong for her and her family.

Wake up Wes, wake up for me 


I held on to Cathedral's hand as I had been doing for past two days and caressing it with my thumb.

How much I wanted to see that smile again, those full of life ocean eyes. 

I could trade my everything just to see her smile.

" Why did you not tell us son?"

My mother spoke bringing me back to Earth.

"Huh? Oh.. I wanted to introduce her to you when she came back after graduation, but.." I could not speak further, it was all too painful to see her fighting for her life.

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