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" Aunty Cathy, can I ask you something?" Samantha looked at me while sitting on my lap. We sat on the balcony adoring the fading horizon. She played with her doll and I had decided to start designing for the big projects. It was a hotel in London, which was going to be one of the most lavish projects this company has ever worked on.

" Sure sweety. Go ahead." I said and put my files aside and sipped on the orange juice.

" What's the flower you wear? Who gave it to you? Can you get me one too?" The bomb of questions was dropped on me tearing apart the silence. She pointed to the neck piece that Jason had given to me.

" Honey slow down" I chuckled and rubbed her back.

" It's a rose and your uncle gave it to me." I answered her while I ran fingers through her hair.

A sigh left my mouth as I thought of Jason, he was still a bit mad at me. He had to go to seattle for some business which could not be waited and kept me on house arrest and keeping my job as a leverage.

Now, could you be fired from your own company?

Well, he was the Executive head of our combined firms, so yes, he could fire me.

How much I wished to go and work, I missed my cabin. Though it has been just six weeks but I loved it here. I did miss home but New York had a different vibe, a different allure to it.

" When will uncle Jason be back aunty Cathy?" Samantha asked me.

Jason was supposed to be back to New York in an hour or two and I had prepared special dinner for me, his favourites.

" Very soon flower." I answered her. I checked the time.

" Come on it's time for dinner flower." I ushered her inside and locked the balcony door to prevent the cold air.

" Cathedral, I have cleaned the kitchen, is there anything else you would like for me to do before I leave?" Juliana asked me.

" Oh, no you can go home , good night " I wished her as the door flung open and I saw the glimpse of the bodyguards that Jason had appointed for me and Samantha.

I served Samantha and she ate in silence while watching a disney movie. I had promised her a slice of walnut brownie if she eats all the veggies on her plate. I looked in amusement as she finished the brownie within a fraction of second. She was more active from past week as I have been put to a house arrest. We painted together, baked together and spent so much time together.

" Bathing time!" I sang and she ran to her room.

I came out drenched after putting Samantha to sleep. When I was bathing her, she actually hugged me and left me drenched.

I looked at the clock and sighed heavily, the bad thoughts and worry consumed me. Jason was supposed to be back an hour ago. I looked for my phone without worrying about my wet clothes. I found his contact and the door opened.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. Panic had consumed me and my breathing was shallow. Without a single thought crossing my mind, I ran towards him and flung my arms at him.

" Shh.. Wes are you okay?" I did not even reckon I was crying silently.

" Are you mad at me?" I sobbed harder.

Jason had become my weakness, along my strength.

" No I am not anymore, you know I hate those tears." He hugged me tighter.

" I love you Jason and I am sorry for not telling you." I cried more and more.

He held me and stroked my back till I had stopped crying. He placed a kiss on top of my head.

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