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What the hell is happening around me ?
Jason leaving for Greece without even speaking to me!
My head occasionally spinning like hydrogen in superposition! Finding myself stressed over a simple paintbrush, well, you would have enough brains to not call a platinum paintbrush as 'simple'.

I fished out my phone out of irritation and saw five missed calls from Matt. I choose to ignore them as my head was killing me and spinning. I had to go to the doctor. What if the previous accidents had a affect on my brain?
I let out a deep pained sigh and threw my heels and coat.
It was really too much to take, even for me. Jason has already left and wasn't even picking up my calls. I decided to phone him one more time.

One ring....

Two ring....

Three ring...

" So you finally decided to pick up ?" My anger dominating my voice.

" Hey Cathedral, Rachel here, I'm sorry there is a lot of disturbance in here. Jason is not currently here." Her voice was not clear as loud talking of people had taken over.

" Rach-Rachel , where are you and why do you have Jason's phone ?" The fear of what I had thought was coming up the surface. Rachel may be a good person but I don't trust her with Jason.

" I can't talk right now, but we are just going to board." She said and the line went silent and fear in my heart intensified.
I trust Jason but there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that was telling me that something was wrong. Suddenly my breathing became harsh and I didn't want to be alone. The black oblivion started descending but I fought it. I took a deep breath and calmed myself, I had to go to the hospital.


"Miss Weston, you may go in." The receptionist said keeping the phone down after talking with the doctor.
I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and slowly made myself go inside. Although I've had two bad accidents, but the hospital's didn't get any less scarier.

" Good afternoon Miss Weston, please follow me, I've observed your symptoms and previous records, we just need to do a couple of tests." The lady doctor said. Her name was Hazel Danz, I followed her and did the necessary tests.
We sat in her office while the reports were in development.

" Miss Weston, I see you have not been having proper meals and appropriate rest." She said to me as if blaming me and asking for an explanation.
I looked at her not knowing how to respond to that when the nurse barged in with my reports.
Oh god! I don't want to die so soon!

" Did it trigger my past injuries? Am I goin-" I started blabbering out of anxiety.

" Miss Weston calm down, it's not good for th-" The doctor tried to calm me down but in vain she did.

" Are the reports normal?" I cut her off.

" Yes they are. And as I said you just need ample of rest and good meals. For both of you." I was relieved at the part of the reports being normal, but what did she mean by both of u- Wait, NO ! My eyes widened at her words. Am I -

" Cathedral you are pregnant, congratulations." The doctor said with a bright smile and the tears blurred my vision and flowed out. I bit my lip.

I'm pregnant?

I was so happy and it was the finest moment in my whole life, but the thought of Jason came to my mind.

"Cathedral, Miss Weston are you okay ?" The doctor asked as she held my hand in concern.

I could not manage to get the words out of my mouth. I simply nodded and took the file and left the hospital despite the calls of my name. I broke down completely when I reached the parking. That is when I saw flashes of light approaching me. Oh no I cannot cry in front of the paparazzi.
Sunglasses were quickly fished out and masked before my eyes. All the nonsense questions and flashes were shoved into my poker face. I could not hear them as the voice in my heart blocked out all the others in my surroundings.

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