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Time is really a scary thing, sometimes the longness of it is depressing and disheartening, on the other hand, how it slips away like the silky sand from your palms. On this day, every memory from my childhood or rather from my childhood home came rushing to my mind. 

As a curious but shy child, I mostly kept to myself, used to sit in my dad's study, which was forbidden for me by the way. I often sat for hours, looking at the  ruby red hourglass. How smoothly sand slipped, moments dripped from the sunrise to sunset. The bracelet on my palm, gifted to me by my dad, reminded me of my pretty childhood. 

A smile came over and rushed to my lips as I rekindled with the memories. The good, old da-

" Seriously Cathedral?" An angry voice tore me away. My mom's voice to be precise. I turned to look at her and saw her standing at the door faking an angry expression. I smiled at her and then turned to the mirror. 

The grey area fading away as I saw my reflection. The white dress fitting my figure and my brown locks curled and let down, my bump, barely visible as I was not too far. I looked from toe to my head and only one thing came to my mind, Beautiful.

I looked beautiful.

" I can't believe, my little girl is getting married." My mother wiped a few tears as she came near and pulled the lacey veil down and I looked at her with my ocean eyes.

" Your eyes darling, they are shining from within, the deepest shade of blue. I've never seen you this happy." She exclaimed and hugged me and I hugged her back.

" Mom no crying, okay? Let's not pretend that you and dad will not be so happy to have the whole house to yourselves." I chuckled and on reflex, she slapped my head lightly and I faked a hurt expression.

" It's time ladies. Cathedral, you look beautiful daughter." My dad chipped in and he kissed my cheek and took my hand as we walked to one corner of the room, I looked at him confused.

" Cathedral, listen, we have treated you as our daughter and in fact you are our daughter. My little girl has grow up so much! I want Xavier to walk you down the aisle."  He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

" No, why? You are my dad, you should be the one to wa-" I protested but he cut me short.

" Cathedral, it's a tradition in your biological family, only those who related by blood can perform the sacred rituals, so please don't argue with me and let Xavier walk you down. " He said and shut me up and I reluctantly gave him a curt nod and walked to where Xavier was standing talking to a business affiliate. He cut short his conversation and turned to me.

" So you are really getting married or you here to beg to take you away from here?" Xavier asked me and I slapped him jokingly.

" Yes I am really getting married and I was here to ask, ahem " I could not complete my sentence for an unknown reason.

" What? You look like a princess by the way, little one." He smiled when he saw me.

" Can you walk me down the aisle?" I asked and prepared myself for a 'no'.

" Of Course little one. I think it's time." He said as we saw my parents coming towards us.They greeted Xavier and he greeted them. It was time.

Xavier took my hand after I adjusted my veil and the music started to play as I grew nervous. My grip on my brother's hand tightened and we moved forward slowly.

" Relax little one, our parents, wherever they maybe, they are so proud of you." He whispered soothingly and stroked my hand lightly.

I looked up to see Jason when a tear slipped from his eyes and he smiled at me, that's when the world stopped, the music, I couldn't hear it. I could only hear the sound of my beating heart, I could only see Jason, how handsome he looked in his black tux, his hairs were gelled back and he looked like a greek god. 

Xavier took my hand and gave it in Jason's, while I looked in the forest orbs.

" I am trusting you with the person who means everything to me. I am trusting you with my most precious and treasured happiness, my sister. So if she sheds a single tear because of you, you'll have me to deal with." He kept a straight face and threatened Jason and smiled when he kept my hand in his. 

Electric sparks, all over my body, like the first time we had met. I explored his soul while he explored mine, deep in our eyes.

The priest started with the rituals and it was time to say our vows, Jason held my hands tightly as he started-

" Wes, I still remember the day I first saw you, and since that day, you have been driving me crazy and then I asked you to marry me." He paused a little and kissed my hand.

" I promise to love you for who you are, to support you unconditionally and to cherish you forever, to be nothing but faithful with you, to stand firm with you, when in chaos, to always be the one you can reach out to, to fight with you against the odds, to try to be the one you deserve." He ended his vows and tears cascaded down my eyes.

" Jason, you are my first love, my first everything and I promise to be your support, to love you through the dark and the light, to stand with you no matter what, and at the end of the day, to be the one you share all your problems with, your demons are mine now and I promise to fight them with you and also to correct you when you are wronged." I managed to complete my vows without being a total crying mess.

" With the power vested in me I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Here went everything, what the priest spoke was music to our ears, bliss.

Jason held me closer by my waist and pushed my veil, he looked into my eyes for a fraction of a second, the forest in his orbs, flourished with happiness. Then his lips connected with mine, believe me, that's the kind of moment where nothing matters, because you can't think straight, the electricity runs from the heart to the core,within every inch of your body. Makes you feel things, even a person in love can't explain. The kind of kiss that makes you close your eyes.

It was a soft kiss, yet filled with love and the content. A smile appeared on my face as I slowly opened my eyes to look at the person I handed my everything to, whom I love the most. The hooting, clapping and cheering never dying. I looked at the crowd to see my in-laws and my parents clapping and even crying, while my brother hooting and cheering. 

I felt a presence behind me. In a swift action of his hand, my hairs resting on my shoulders were swept to the right shoulder and a hot breath left his mouth, enough to make me knee weak. His lips touched my left ear and I cleared my throat as a reflex and leaned back a bit. 

" I love you Missus Blake." A quiet whisper left his mouth and I turned to him and kissed him passionately.

                                                                              THE END


Hey everyone! I can't believe this book has officially ended! Omg, *Dances Painfully* Thank you so much for reading my book! I hope you like it! I have put my best efforts in it, and been through so many days without proper sleep! Literally in tears! Thank you so much, do not forget to vote, comment and  share this story!

Signing off,

Your Author,


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