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"- she weepin?" I heard and my head blasted from the whisper. It was Samantha's voice and I had no doubt.

" Yes kid, she will be fine. Mr Blake it was just an allergic reaction, she will be fine aside from headache." An unfamiliar voice rang in the room as I tried to open my eyes and shut them immediately as I felt a large throb of ache in my head,

" Doctor, any medications?" another voice said which I could make out to be Xavier.

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a thousand times to adjust to the brightness of the room. I sat up and immediately regretted it as my head ached so bad, it brought tears to my eyes and I suppressed a loud scream.

" Hey slow down." Jason caught me and adjusted me cozily by adding a few pillows.

" How do you feel Miss Weston?" The person I pegged for a doctor asked.

" My head hurts a lot." I cried in pain and kept my head inbetween my hands. Tears were surfacing, the pain was too intense to bear.

" That bastard is going to pay." I looked up to Jason smoking in anger.

Oh no! He knows about Alex!

Samantha was sitting by the end of the bed and smiling faintly at me. I did not have the energy left to smile back at her. I still managed to curve my lips into a smile for my baby.

The doctor scribbled into the notepad and tore off the page and handed it to Juliana who I acknowledged, was standing by the door.

" I will escort you out doctor." I heard Juliana say.

I laid my head back as it screeched with pain. I felt the pull of hands pulling me into a hard chest. A gentle kiss placed on my shoulder.

" I am sorry Jason, I should have told you about Alex."

" Shh., relax love." His voiced soothed me. Tears flowed freely as I cried in his arm. I had given no reckon to Xavier's presence as he sighed.

" How could he do this to me? He was my only friend and I cared for him like a brother." The silent sobs had turned into loud cries.

" Let it out Cathedral, don't hold it in. You have been holding on for too long. I knew you would try to meet him if you knew he was in jail that is why I told your parents and his uncle to not tell you. But that bastard escaped from the jail, my PI has been trying to investigate it. I am sorry Cathedral, I couldn't see you broken, I am sorry for keeping the truth." I knew he was sorry and I would have done the same. I had already forgiven him.

" I would be happier if it was true, if he was really dead." I sobbed loudly.

" How much pain can I bear Jason? He was my only friend!." I continued, the heavy feeling in my chest slowly weighing more.

" Don't worry Cathedral. He is surely going to pay for his actions." Xavier said.

" It's really nice of you to say that but you don't know him." I said to Xavier while Jason stroke my hair lovingly.

" I do know him Cathedral, we have some unfinished business. I will kill that bastard myself." I and Jason both turned my heads at him. Unfinished business?

" Yeah ? Well get in the line." Jason spat at him. Me and Vanessa.

I knew Jason was really mad and even mad at me for not telling me. I felt myself slip into deep remorse and sadness took over me adding to the pain in my head.

" I should leave." He said and walked towards the door and stopped through the mid-way.

" And Miss Weston, if you do so much and come to work consider our deal off." He said without turning and left and I heard the front door being slammed.

I sighed.

What could be worse than this?

But on the other note I would get to spend more time taking care of Samantha and maybe I could give Julian-

" No, you will not get off the bed and do any kind of work." Jason said as he read my mind.

" But Jason I will go insane, you know that." This is what I had feared, Jason keeping me caged into this house and I will get bored to death.

" Is Samantha asleep? You know it-"

" Cathedral can you be real for a second? Last time I checked you were the one who fainted, Samantha should not be your concern right now." Jason was furious at me.

I was a bit scared to see this side of him, but I needed him the most, to feel safe in his arms. I hugged him immediately and the pain in my head eased a bit. I wanted to sleep, I felt tired.

" Cathedral do not sleep, you have to eat something, try not to close your eyes please." I could still sense the anger in his voice as he left the room. He rarely calls me by my name.

I felt so damn tired. My eyes were itching to close but I kept them open. I tried to distract my mind from the tempting thought of sleep.

Jason was going to stay mad for a long time, I knew. I would have to miss the office event which was going to be exactly after ten day from today according to the email I received from Cooper Flegman.

Jason waltz into the room bringing a hot bowl of what I thought was soup. I adjusted myself, with no appetite left for the next few weeks, one of the things I had learnt from being in a relationship with Jason was- Never to test his patience, I repeat- Never!

Patience was not his strongest suit out of all the things he was a perfectionist at.

He brought out a spoon of soup to my mouth and gestured me to open it. I did and drank the hot soup with no appetite.

I noticed that Jason was awfully quieter than usual. He did not brag but there was always a string of words playing through the air.

" Are you mad at me Jason?" I asked him when he returned from the kitchen bringing a packet and a glass of water. He took out the medicines and gave them with the water to me.

" Eat and drink." His voice was stern.

I did as he asked me to. I was a little hurt by his tone but I quickly covered it.

" Are you mad Jason?" I asked him again. I know I was testing his patience.

" Sleep Cathedral, you need to rest." He totally ignored my question and turned off the light. The softness I had felt when my name rolled off was replaced by anger.

I was deeply hurt when he was mad at me. I turned to face away from him and let the tears escape.

He was mad at me. I have never felt this stupid. I muffed my sobs, I never felt so stupid.

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