Authors Note

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Hello my lovelies! Thank you so much for choosing Musica Anima Mea Est for your next Wattpad read. 

Before we get started though, I want to say a few things:

1. With a few exceptions, the characters in this book are not my own creation- that honor belongs to Jeanne Birdsall.

2. This book, however, is mine, so NO COPYING!!! I'm serious guys.

3. I am a human, so mistakes are bound to happen, be it accuracy, grammar, spelling, punctuation, or anything else. Please feel free to correct me (politely!) in the comments, and I will fix it as soon as possible.

4. This book takes place eight months before the start of my first Penderwick fanfiction (It is called The Penderwicks-Together at Last, in case anyone wants to go check it out. Which you should)

5. I will be switching the POV between Batty and Jeffery occasionally. I will say which one is "telling the story" in the chapter name.

5. This book is a Batty+Jeffery fanfiction. If you don't support them, then you have 2 options. You may either leave right now (I won't take it personally) or you can keep reading and prepare to be converted over to the Beffrey fandom. 

Comment, vote, and tell me what you think

Lots of love,

Sammie K

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