Chapter Eighteen- Jeffery

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That weekend, I received a text from Batty, asking if I wanted to double up with Keiko and a new prospect. Sure. Where at? I replied.

Some little cafe. I'll text you the directions. I set down my phone, glancing around the apartment. I'd been spending so much time away from here; it was a total pigsty. I hurriedly threw dirty clothes into a hamper until I could see my floors again. Just kidding. Sort of. When that was done, I started on the kitchen, washing dishes, scrubbing the counter, even washing the entire microwave. Next stop, the living room. I vacuumed the carpet, fluffed the pillows, dusted the coffee table, and went so far as to rearrange cables behind the side table, organizing the lamp cord, phone charger, computer charger, and clock cord. I moved my way through the apartment, disrupting Scout and Tracy's naps on more than one occasion, and by the time I looked at my phone, three hours had passed. I collapsed onto the couch and sighed.  

"What's the matter with you?" I l sat bolt upright. Penny stood just inside the doorframe, taking off her shoes. 

"I'm tired. What's the matter with you?" She looked at me quizzically. "I mean, do you normally go barging into peoples houses?"

"This is an apartment, not a house. And besides, I'm here for the band meeting. I just happen to be half an hour early." My face must have gone blank, because she rolled her eyes. "You DO remember that there is a band meeting today, right?"

"What, um, yeah, totally."

"Are you being sarcastic?" She pointed a dramatic finger at me. 

"Me? Sarcastic? Never." 

"Har de har har." She dropped her bag on the floor and walked over to me. "I need help. I have two days to learn how to waltz. Batty told me you know how."

"I do. It's really easy, once you get the hang of it. Why do you need to learn though?"

"I'm going dancing with my sister, her fiance, and some guy they're trying to set me up with." She rolled her eyes again. I stood up, grabbed my phone, and pulled up a waltz.

"so, first things first. A waltz is always written in 3. Hear it? ONE two three, ONE two three, ONE two three." Penny nodded. "Okay, good." For the next half hour, I slowly walked her through the steps of how to waltz (A/N: I don't know how to waltz, so, I can't really write it in here)

By the time other band members started to arrive, Penny and I were out of breath from laughing at her many mistakes, and my awful teaching skills. Which, naturally, with Josh being slightly dirty-minded occasionally,  resulted in much teasing.

Eventually, everyone calmed down, and we were able to get to work, going over songs, making an order of the songs for our next concert, and fooling around with the lyrics of a new song. After the meeting was over, Batty stayed behind to work on the finances of the band, because, unfortunatly, they do exist. As the band left, Camilla turned around and gave us a dirty look.

"Batty, stay out of his bed, and be home by ten."

"Yes, Mother."Batty laughed, shoving Camilla out the door. Camilla just waved and walked out, giving one last finger wave before making a big show of closing the door behind her. Batty turned and walked over to me, leaning onto my chest. "Shall we get started?"

"Yeah. You hungry?"

"No, but I know that you are, but you won't eat if I'm not eating as well."


"Go make yourself some food, and I'll get set up." She gave me a gentle shove and began to set up.

When I walked back to the living room with 2 bowls of steaming spaghetti, Batty had spread out all over my newly clean living room. I sat down next to her, and we fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the reading of a fan letter sweetly written by a girl and her friends.

As the work meeting came to a close, Batty leaned up against me. "These meetings are a lot more enjoyable now."

"Agreed." I kissed the top of her head gently. She looked up at me and smiled. "I love you Battikins." Something in her eyes made me freeze for a moment, wondering if I had been too forward. But then she smiled again.

"I love you too, Jeffery."


Authors Note

Ok, next chapter, a-check! I'm supposed to be in a zoom call for math right now, but who cares? Not me! Yeah, my school went virtual again for 2 weeks. This is day 2 of this process. Whoopee.

QOTD: What is one thing you look for in a friend? For me, a friend needs to be able to tell me when I look like crap, or if I messed up royally. If you can't tell me that, you aren't my friend. Your turn!

QOTDpt2: What is one trait you need an S.O to have? I'm a Christian, so that is a MUST. Your turn!

Comment, vote, and tell me what you think

Lots of love,

Sammie K

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