Chapter Two- Batty

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Once inside my apartment, I collapsed onto the couch. My English lop rabbit, Mopsy, came hopping over to me and started nibbling on my shoes. I scooped her and nuzzled her, stroking her long ears. Her black eyes peered at me out of her adorable tan and white face. 

"Love you too Mops." I relaxed a bit. Those meetings had always stressed me out, now that the air of content friendliness was gone. Those meetings were one of the reasons I had gotten Mopsy. Both of us wanted to go back to the way it was before The Date, but neither of us knew how to approach the subject. I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment.

I woke up because of the tickling in my armpit. It was Mopsy. She had somehow nuzzled underneath my arm and was breathing softly. How long had I been asleep? I turned on my phone. It was almost 4:00 am! I looked down at myself. I was fully clothed, and I needed a shower. I scooped Mopsy up gently, careful to not wake her. I set her down in her playpen- I was firmly against cages- and walked into the bathroom. Taking a shower helped clear my mind a bit, and I stood there, reveling in the hot water for a long time. It would add a bit to my rent, but I could afford an extra thirty some odd dollars. Stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel, I walked to my room. Selecting an outfit- jeans and a hoodie- I got dressed and walked to the kitchen to make myself some food. It was incredibly early, but there would be no more sleep for me tonight. A shake and a muffin did little to help my wake up, but the cup of chamomile tea I made did wonders. I opened my planner, looking at what I had planned. Brunch with Keiko at ten, a quick meeting with Penny and Owen at one to work on song lyrics, then I was traveling to Daddy and Iantha's place to help them with painting the bathroom. They had remodeled in, and the only thing left was painting and tiling it. Daddy was finishing the tiling today, and I was helping with the painting this evening. Then I was going to Rosy and Tommy's to watch their twins, Nicole and Owen, so that Rosy and Tommy could go on an anniversary date. I sighed. It would be a busy day, but nothing I couldn't handle. I looked at the date, July 17. I made a note in my planner to stop by the landlord's place and pay my rent, as well as an extra twenty dollars to make up for the fact that Mopsy accidentally peed on the carpet. It was easy to get out, but the landlord had told me that any "damage" that was done, I had to pay for.

I read until eight, which was when I normally woke up. I was now almost done with Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie, and I had three more books of hers The Clocks, And Then There Were None, and Murder on the Orient Express, for once I was done. Then, I got up and went about my day, walking down to the landlord's place, dropping off my rent, extra twenty dollars included, did my hair, and threw on a bit of mascara. I was never one to do a ton of makeup, but after Skye and Rosalind's wedding, I started wearing minimal amounts- think mascara, lipgloss, and sometimes foundation. I went about cleaning my apartment, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning out Mopsy's playpen. At 9:45, I headed down the street to Andy's Diner to meet up with Keiko. It had been a tradition of ours to meet up there once every other week to eat and catch up. Inside, I spotted Keiko and gave her a huge hug.

"Hi, Batty! I missed you! How's the situation between you and Jeffery?" During that time of confusion, Keiko had been the one I turned to. She loved romance stuff and wanted more than anything for Jeffery and I to be together.

"Not good." She gave me another hug. 

"I'm sorry. But let's eat. I'm starving!" I laughed and opened my menu.


Authors Note

Can we get a round of applause for Keiko's appearance? And another round of applause for how completely adorable Mopsy is? (For those of you who need it, the rabbit in the picture is Mopsy)

QOTD: Do y'all have pets? If so, what kind of animal are they, and what are their names? I have a turtle named Cartie and a hedgehog name Quilbee. Your turn!

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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