Chapter Nine- Batty

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I hurried to my car, not bothering to look back. I had sworn off boys years ago, and now Jeffery decides to come along, la-de-da, and try to swoop me off my feet. And the thing I hated most was that I almost wanted him to. My lips still tingled from the kiss, and I blinked away a few tears that had unexpectedly sprung to my eyes. I needed to go home. And not to my apartment. No, I needed to go to the place I had grown up in. I drove to my apartment and packed a bag of clothing and toiletries, and then a tote bag with Mopsy's things. I scooped her up and placed my rabbit in a carrier.

"Come on Mops, we're going on a road trip."

In the car, I called my parents to tell them that I needed to stay there for a short while. They, being awesome, said that I was welcome. Once I reached home, I walked inside and upstairs, moving into my old room right away. I collapsed onto my old bed, looking up at the ceiling. Then, I stood up and walked into Lydia's room. I laid on her floor and stared up at Hound. "Hey, sweet dog." I whispered. Hound remained silent. I closed my eyes, and let the tears fall.

Rosalind and Tommy came over for dinner that night-the twins had a babysitter- and after dinner, Rosy followed me up to my room.

"Talk." She demanded.

"What do you mean?" I asked, struggling to keep my face passive.

"I mean, something is wrong, and I want to know what." She grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her. "You've been crying."

"And?" I tried to turn away, but Rosalind had an iron grip. 

"My little sister is upset about something, and I don't like it!" Her voice dropped. "Battikins, what's wrong." Hearing my nickname brought back the memory of that band meeting and how awful it went. The tears started involuntarily rolling again, and I made no effort to conceal them. Rosalind hugged me close, whispering soothing words into my hair. I tried to talk, but couldn't. "Shh, it's okay."

It seemed like we stayed like that for hours, but it probably wasn't that long. Finally, I was able to take a deep breath, and explain all that had happened. Rosy sat there patiently, never interrupting. When it was clear that I was done, she reached over and gave me another big hug. That, of course, set me off again, and I began sobbing like a baby again.

*The next day*

As it turns out, Rosy had called Skye and Jane and told them all, so when I woke up, I had three sisters in my room, talking softly. Except for Skye. Her fists were balled, and her short hair stuck a million different directions.

"Skye, be quiet. She's awake." This was Jane, who motioned over to me. I got up and walked over to them, confused, still half-asleep. Jane tackled me, which wasn't the surprising part. The surprising part was the fact that Skye too hugged me! 

"Okay, what's going on?" 

"What's going on it that Jeffery is a jerk, insulted my sister, then violated her personal space as a way to make up!" Skye's eyes flashed with anger, I felt a little bad for Jeffery. He needed to stay far away from Skye for a very long time if he valued his life.

"Skye, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down Jane! This is ridiculous. First me, then Batty? Who's next, Lydia?" Skye threw her hands up, exasperated. The doorbell rang downstairs. We heard Iantha opening the door and talking quietly with someone. All four of us froze. There were footsteps on the stairs, then the door opened slowly and cautiously. Jeffery's face was so pale, you could see every freckle on his face. Skye flew at him in a rage, actually punching him a few times. 

"Skye, Skye, stop!" Rosy managed to drag my enraged sister off the poor guy, but Skye was still yelling.

"No! Rosy, get off!" She turned to Jeffery. "You have no right to show up here, after hurting my baby sister the way you did!" Jeffery held up his hands in surrender. 

"I came here to apologize. For real this time."

"Yeah, what are you going to do this time? Use tongue?" Pretty sure I just threw up inside my mouth. Jeffery's face twisted in confusion.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"The last time you "apologized" to her, you kissed her! That's like, assault or something!"

"Oh my gosh, no, Skye! I came to say I'm sorry, nothing else."

"It's okay Skye. Um, could you guys, like, leave?" I asked timidly. Skye's mouth dropped open.

"You aren't serious."

"And no eavesdropping Skye. Or conveniently standing right next to the door. That applies to all of you. Penderwick Family Honor?" Skye sighed.

"Penderwick Family Honor." I turned to Jane and Rosalind.

"Penderwick Family Honor."

"Penderwick Family Honor."

"Thank you. Now, out." My sisters left the room single file, and I waited until they had all walked downstairs before shutting the door and facing Jeffery.

"I'm sorry. I acted like a jerk, and I was really rude. I was an idiot, and I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you were. And I'm sorry too." I sat down on my bed. "I don't really know how to feel right now, and I acted like a jerk."

"Yeah, you were." I looked up at him.

"Are you mocking me, Jeffery Tifton?" He assumed an injured air.

"Me, mocking? Never!" He sat down next to me. "But I forgive you."

"I forgive you too." I nudged him with my shoulder. "But you were mocking me." He laughed.

"Maybe I was. Is there anything else I need to apologize for?" 

"Well, you never said you were sorry when you forgot my birthday two years ago."

"I got you a present, and got you your favorite cake!"

"A week later, after I reminded you multiple times."

"Fine. I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday."

"I forgive you," I said graciously. "But only if you promise to get a planner."

"I promise."



"Penderwick Family Honor?"

"Penderwick Family Honor." He smiled at me. "I'm going to regret ever saying that, aren't I?"

"Oh, yes." I smiled back and leaned against him. "Would a fourth sound better than a fifth for measure 34?"

"I was thinking a sixth. Owen is already low, and Penny is middle ground. Going down would make it too heavy."

"I'll write it in later." Jeffery slipped an arm around my shoulder in a half-hug. Things weren't perfect, but they were better. And it felt good.


Authors Note

Yay! Long chapter and they made up! Double awesomeness!!! And this is my second update of today! Triple awesomeness!!!!!!!!!

QOTD: What is your favorite school subject? I love English (Surprise surprise) and French, as well as Choir. Your turn!

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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