Chapter Thirteen- Batty

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We all gawked at Skye, then the room exploded with the sound of squeals and a million questions.



"Are you serious?"

"That's amazing!"

"Can I name the baby?" 

That was Jane. We all stared at her, and she shrugged. "What? I've always wanted to name a baby, but I don't see myself even getting into a relationship anytime in the foreseeable future." Skye smiled at us all.

"We can't believe it either. And no Jane, you may not name the baby."

"Please? I don't even know if there is a single male human out there who I am even remotely attracted to." Skye took Dusek's hand and gave us a quick smile. 

"I used to think the same thing." Skye was positively glowing. I'd read somewhere that was normal, but this was the first time I'd seem it, other than when Iantha was pregnant with Lydia, and I was too young then to notice. We all broke off into smaller groups, and I saw Jeffery quietly take Skye aside. She nodded, then turned to Dusek and said something to him quietly. He, too, nodded, and Jeffery and Skye disappeared upstairs. I was tempted to follow them but knew I might discover something I didn't want to, like the last time I eavesdropped on Skye and Jeffery. I instead turned my attention to Bear, the newest Penderwick family dog, and gently stroked him. His tail began wagging violently, and I shifted my weight to avoid getting whacked too hard. Lydia sat next to me and started whispering.

"Batty, do you know what Skye and Jeffery are doing?"

"Talking, probably about something important and secret, upstairs."

"Well duh. But about what?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"They're talking about you!" She sang. My head shot up, and I shot her a panicked look. "Oh, nothing bad. You'll like it."


"But I can't tell you what. They caught me eavesdropping and made me swear to not tell you anything."

"But you have told me something."

"Oh, yeah." She looked dejected for a minute, then grabbed my hand. "Can you sing for me?" I stood and followed her up to her room. "So, I'm working on Irish dancing, but I don't know a lot of songs."

"All right." I shuffled through my library of songs and settled on "What's Closest to the Heart".

I sang, standing near the door, and She danced around the room. I knew that Irish dancing was like tap in the sense that the shoes created a cool clicking sound that just added to the effect. The fact that Lydia was wearing socks, and dancing on a carpeted floor partially ruined that effect. After a few minutes, we heard a knock on the door. Jeffery peeped his head in the door, then walked in, seemingly nervous.

"Hey, Batty. Could I talk to you?"


"Alone?" He shot a pointed look at Lydia, who sighed, then walked out the door, shutting it behind her.

"What's up?" Jeffery held up a finger, then walked to the door and quickly threw it open, causing Lydia, who had been standing next to the door, to give a little scream. 

"Go." Lydia meekly walked downstairs, and Jeffery re-shut the door. He turned to face me. "So, not speaking hypothetically, if I were to ask you to go to Ming Ten with me tomorrow, what would you say?" I swallowed and stared out the window for a moment before replying.

"I would say yes." I shifted my eyes in his direction and saw him struggling to contain a smile.

"Then in that case," He took another deep breath, "would you like to go to Ming Ten with me tomorrow night?"

"Yes." I said and allowed myself to make eye contact. "And I'll be there on time." He smiled, walked over to me, and wrapped me in a hug. 

"And I won't order for you."

"That suits me just fine." I looked up, his green eyes were startingly close. Then, before I could register everything that had just happened, his lips met mine, and I finally broke down the walls I had built up and kissed him back.


Authors Note

Sorry about the ending being slightly rushed, I have to stop writing in two minutes, and I desperately wanted to finish this chapter. Also, if any of you find the ending too cheesy, then sue me, sue me, what can you do me,




(Sorry, had to do that, the opportunity was too good to pass up. If anybody gets the reference, please tell me.)

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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