Chapter Twelve- Jeffery & Batty

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Embarrassingly, I'd felt a lurch in my stomach when I received a text from Batty (or so I thought) asking me to Sylvesters. How stupid could I be? I was acting like a teenager. No need to return to those years, that was for certain. I struggled to reply. LOL, no worries. Nope. To childish. Why am I not surprised? Nope, delete that. OK. Backspace. Too informal. Very well. WAY too formal. I raked a hand through my hair and let out a groan. I had two options here. I could either ignore it, which would be the easiest, or I could turn around and ask her. Which would be a thousand times harder. Problem is, I wanted to ask her. 


My text to Jeffery remained unanswered until 2 that afternoon. Finally, my phone buzzed. 

Sorry for taking so long. Quick question though... Heart pounding and palms sweating, I shot him a quick text back.

No, you're good. What's up? One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, four one-thousand, five one-thousand, six one-

Hypothetically, if I were to ask you to go on a date with me to Sylvesters tonight, what would you say?

All hypothetically speaking, of course. An unbidden smile spread across my face. I set my phone down and turned to Mopsy, struggling to contain the squeal that was rising in me. 

"He asked me out," I said aloud, the words giving me a strange pleasure and satisfaction. "He asked me out," I repeated it, excitement mounting in my voice. I flung myself onto the couch, and, burying my face in a pillow, let out a happy scream. Apparently my attempts to muffle it did no good, because I heard a thud, and looked up to see Mopsy streaking across the room ad hiding under a chair. "Sorry girl." I picked up my phone and trying to control my shaking hands, drafted a reply. Then edited it. And edited some more. Finally, I was satisfied enough to press send.

Well, hypothetically speaking, I would say no to Sylvesters, since I had breakfast there, but I would say yes to Ming Ten.

All hypothetically speaking, of course. Once again, I  mashed my face in a couch pillow and tried, and failed, to control my racing heart. When my phone buzzed yet again, I forced myself to count to ten, slowly, before picking it up. I groaned inwardly when I saw that it was Iantha. But then I read the text, and my stomach fell like a stone.

Hey Batty. Skye and Dusek are here, and they say they have important news. They won't say what, so don't ask me any more questions, but they request your presence. Considering the fact that Skye and Dusek weren't the types to call a big family meeting for every little thing that happened in their lives, this had to be big. I coaxed Mopsy out from under the chair, scooped her up and put her in her playpen, turned off the lights, grabbed my keys, and walked out to the parking lot. 

While driving, I ran through every situation that could be cause for this meeting. Their house burned down and they were moving to Australia, Skye got a job at NASA, Dusek got a job at NASA, they were getting divorced, and a million other possibilities, none of them likely. When I got there, I had to park in the street, since Daddy, Iantha, Jane, Ben, Rosy & Tommy, Skye & Dusek, and Jeffery all had their cars parked in the driveway. Wait, Jeffery's car??? Brilliant. I walked inside and sat on the floor in front of Daddy.

"Alright Skye, now that we're all here, what is the news?" Jane almost shouted the excitement and apprehension on her face clear to see. Skye and Dusek shared a glance, then Skye blurted out,

"I'm pregnant."


Authors Note

And there you have it! Skye's gonna be a mama! I actually finished this chapter a few days ago but wasn't able to write an author's note until now, and it would feel weird to not write one. I'm also kind of reveling in the quiet right now since one of my brothers left for a baseball tournament in one of the Carolina's this morning, and he'll be gone for a week, so... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QOTD: What is your favorite season, and why? Mine is spring since everything is waking up again after winter. Everything looks so fresh and new, but you don't have the stifling heat and humidity that comes with a Michigan summer. Your turn!

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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