Chapter Seven- Batty & Jeffery

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Batty's POV:

I collapsed down on my living room floor and scooped Mopsy up. She nuzzled my face and neck with her velvety nose. I smiled a little and stroked her ears. 

"Hey, Mopsy." She stared up at me, her black eyes almost sympathetic. "Can you believe Jeffery? He was the reason I was a little upset in the first place, so I mess around with the song, and then he told me it was horrible. What happened between us? I wish everything could go back to the way it was." Mopsy chose that moment to place her front paws on my shoulders as if giving me a hug and give me a look. I laughed. "Perhaps you're right. I need to tell my family."

I pulled into the driveway of my old home and climbed out. I shut the door and walked inside. I had texted Iantha, asking if I could come, and she said yes. Inside, I found Daddy, Iantha, Lydia, Ben, and Ellita sitting in the living room.

"Batty!" Iantha held out her arms and I gave her a hug. "So, what is it that you wanted to tell us?"

"Well, um, I-" Where to start...? I decided to just go for it. "Jeffery and I went on a date a few months ago, but it went horribly, so we haven't been on the best terms, and tonight he said some really rude things, so I responded rudely, and now I'm worried that things are going to be even worse." I took a big breath, and let it out in an attempt to calm myself down. I looked at my family, waiting for their reaction. It consisted of blank stares and jaws dropping open. Ben was the one who spoke first.

"Let me get this straight. You guys went on a date, didn't tell anyone, the date went so bad that you couldn't do back to the way everything was before, and things just got worse, but you still  didn't tell anyone, and then tonight you made each other feel like crap?"

"Yep." I sighed, popping the p.

"You went on a date with Jeffery? A date with Jeffery?!?" This was Lydia.

"Yes. And now I'm stuck." Ellita stood up and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I think you need to talk to him though. When Ben and I first started dating, I said something that he misinterpreted. We broke things off for a month because neither of us was willing to be the bigger person and explain ourselves." I smiled at her and hugged her back.

"I agree with Ellita, Batty. Sometimes talking things out and expressing how we feel is the best step to creating a strong relationship."

"Daddy, I don't want to be in a relationship with Jeffery. I want to be his friend."

"Friendship is a type of relationship, filia mea.

Jeffery's POV:

I sat on my couch, head in my hands. Scout was next to me, his head in my lap, whining softly. 

Why had I said what I had? Just when progress was being made, my big mouth and I ruined it all. The phrase "With every minor setback, make a major comeback" came to my mind. Yeah, right. At this point, it was highly likely that no comeback would ever be made.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I stood and walked over to open it, hoping, praying it was Batty. But no such luck. In the hallway stood Carolyn, wearing a short skirt and an extremely low cut shirt, a covered plate in her hands. She smiled when she saw me, slipping past uninvited.

"I made gingerbread earlier, had extras, and thought you would want some." Gingerbread- my greatest weakness. I stared after her, in a daze. She caught me staring and smirked. "See something you like?"

"Yeah, that plate of gingerbread." She let out a low, sexy laugh and walked over to me.

"Smooth, Tifton." She placed my hands on her hips and slipped her hands around my neck. "I like smooth." She leaned in, her lips meeting mine. Only this time, I was too worn-out to push her away.


Authors Note

No, they did not frickle-frackle, thank you very much.

Thank you for all your prayers! I asked my friend a few minutes ago how she was, and she said that she felt better than she had in a while (not those exact words, but you get what I mean) So thank you soooo much. It means a lot to me.

QOTD: What is your greatest fear? Mine is goldfish crackers. Your turn!

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Lots of love,

Sammie K

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