Meeting our AUNT!

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Callie POV:
I just found out that we cant go with dad on tour and that our aunt that we havent meet is going to be taking care of all 5 of us my boyfriend cant go either he wants to be here to take me to cheer practice he is the best (If you remember I gave Callie a boyfriend and her boyfriend is Jack Glinsky so that is who doesnt want to go on tour) he is really the best he always stays and watches practice after he takes me he doesnt take my sister when I go because I am there for 3 hours in the morning and then 4 hours in the afternoon then we break for supper and then go back for another 3 hours my sister didnt switch from campus school to online school like me because she doesnt have all that practice time she comes in at 5 and practice for 2 hours and then comes back and practice for 3 hours at night and is donr an hour before supper time but we cant take her home because we only have 30 mintes for supper. We are waiting for our aunt to get here and the door bell just rang so dad goes and answers  the door are sisters were unpacking so he called them down.

Dad POV:

I am just about to introduce the girls to my sister Sierra and I hope that they like her because I wont be able to vcome back if they dont like her and I am not going to have them call me and ask me everytime if they can come with me. I love them but I really need to them like my sister because when we have events that will make it so much easier and I am going to miss my girls they are my world. So after all the girls are in the living room I introduce them to Sierra and they all seem happy to have her watch them because they are asking her if she can take them shopping for cheer stuff already,

Sierra POV:

I am glad the girls like me I am about to take them shopping for cheer stuff they love that they have someone to go shopping with other then my brothers friend and no one but my mom know this but I am moving in next door to them so while they are asleep and everyone is out of the house I will be next door and while they are all asleep I only have to take the girls to school and they all go to the same school and I have to get two of them to practice at 5 for 2 hours.

Jack POV (Callies boyfriend):

I am loving that I get to stay here with my girlfriend I hsve something planned while we dont have anyone around that can stop us from going to a place a very speacial place I found a few years ago when I was here before I acutally moved out here and I want i to be me and Callies place.   

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