What about tour

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Callie POV:
We just finished practice and packing up we always wait until practice is over to put everything back in our bags me and my sister have thought about putting everything back earlier but we also help clean up the gym a little bit because when dad is here he is always here a little after practice. Allyssa and I walk out and see our ride is not here so I am about to call Sierra when I see a person that looks like dad and Jack and one of the cars dad drives when he is home we stood on the sidewalk for about 5 seconds and that is when I realized that it is dad and Jack I run and jump in Jacks arms because I have missed him but I have missed dad the most.

Cameron POV:
I am waiting for my beautiful and talented daughters to get out of cheer practice man have I missed them I hate that I broke my promise but we are performing so late Allyssa hasnt even spoken to me she os mad at me I know it she might ask for me but since I broke my promise she is mad. Callie has asked about the tour as in why are we home? I tell her Sierra called and told me that every two hour you two are up when you should be asleep asking for me so I talked to Bart and he said I could come home for a couple weeks but I have to go back as soon as those two weeks are up we have to be on the first flight out. 

Callie POV:
I am glad dad is back for a little bit but what happens when he leaves and we are right back where we are he cant keep coming home every time we are looking for him I really want then to stay even if it is just the 2 of them I want them to take us and pick us up from practice and be there to watch us compete but this also dad dream. I mean he does have a break in 4 months but that is still to long we need our dad he is the only person who would drop everything to come home just like he did. We are almost home and I really want to thank Sierra for getting dad here but I just noticed something why would Jack be back if we just were asking for dad unless they are all back? Does that mean we get two whole weeks with all of the boys? I cant wait to see them they are the greatest uncles ever they have even called a couple times but we cant talk because we are either doing school work or getting ready for practice or at practice so now we acutally get talk to them because we are ahead on school and we have practice at 6-11:30 so we get to spend the day with every one the only thing we cant do with them is we have to go see our teacher and we have to run a few cheer clinics this weekend maybe we can cut it down a little bit if the coaches know our dad is back and when he is on tour we do not get to see  if much. Tomorrow I think I will get a ride a little early and talk to them.

Allyssa POV:
I cant believe dad came back before his break I dont want him here because he broke his promise I use to make Callie and Sierra think I went to sleep and when I thought they were asleep I would call one of the guys to see if they knew why Cam didnt call he lost his right to get dad from me he promised he would call us then didnt the guys even asked if I wanted to talk to him but I told them no because I was suppose to be asleep. I hate Cam for not calling he is suppose to check on us the guys didnt want him to know I was talking them so late so they didnt tell him they just told him that he needed to check on us.

Callie POV:
We just got home I go to see Sierra so I can thank her but she isnt in our house which means she is at her house so I go next door and walk n and I find her in her room and I say so how did you get dad to come back? She says it was easy I told him that you needed him.

Sierra POV:
Callie asked how I got him home I told her that I call him after you left the house and told him you needed him and that he needed to talk to Bart I would and I would not be nice about it so he went and talked to him then called me and told me to call the mom that was suppose to pick you and Allyssa up and to tell her not to pick you two up becasue I had a suprise for you.

Cam POV:
I am so happy to be home with my girls they go upstairs because the guys are here but not at the house anymore they thought it would be a good ides to leave then come back before the girls go to bed but I do not like that because the girls will not want to go to bed  when they get here. I love the guys and so do the girls but they havent seen or talked to them I do know the guys have called and the girls couldnt talk when they would call so I guess I can let them stay up for 3 hours and then go to bed that way they will not be tired when they go to practice. I called the guys and told them the girls are home and they are getting ready for bed like they always do after practice so you can come back now and you can hang out with them for three hours because they have practice tomorrow.

Jack G POV:
I want to take Callie out while we are home but it might have to be a lunch date because of her cheer practice I do not want to go back on tour after this nor without her so if she cant go I am not going back I will see what she says about me joining her cheer team I read that they are running clincs this weekend getting ready for so new members and if she cant come because Bart will not let her then I am staying here. Sierra would love the help and I can take her and Allyssa to practice and pick them  up when practice is over if I do not make the team some of the team cant make it to compete so they are running clinics Friday and Saturday tryout on Sunday so I am going to work on some flips and get them to teach me the routine that is for tryouts.

Nash POV:
I love to be able to come home for a little bit I told Cam I was going to stay here a week go see my family for half a week and then I would be back before we leeve out again I have missed Skylynn so I mainly want to go see her because she loves me and Hayes I will take Hayes with me to so she can see him to because I would hate for him to not see her while we are back from tour a couple weeks.

Callie POV:
My birthday is coming up in a couple days so I am really happy  dad is going to be here for that we are having a party at the gym and they said we can do whatever we want work on cheer or just mess around this is going to be so great Sierra go them to let us have the gym because dad wasnt suppose to be here for another 4 months but he doesnt have to get me anything because all I wanted was for him to be here but the guys say they want to get me some  thing so I cant stop that and that is ok.         

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