Time for Practice

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Callie POV:
Our aunt is amazing she is getting my sister ready but she is going to even do our hair she said she use to be a Cheerleader for All-Star but she was on lady bullets so we are kind of on a higher team then her but since she knows how our hair is suppose to be. I can not believe our aunt was an All-Star Cheerleader we have alot more in common then we thought and I love that we have her here to do our hair she is taking us and some of our friends since we car pool the first week we didnt just because she wanted to make sure she knew where the gym was and the past two weeks was a diffrent mom to drive us so now its time for Sierra to drive all of us the girls meet and the other house to be driven to practice then other mom will pick us up and drop all of us off at our houses.

Sarah POV:
Today is my frist practice since I got adopted this going to be amazing I get  to see all of my old friends I have missed them so much I even get to ride with them so does my sister the team does a car pool thing where on eperson drives some of us and other moms drive the others because our team is so big and then it 3 moms that pick us up and drop us all of at our houses. I am so excited some of the older girls finally convinced the owner of the orphange to let us go some sports of choice and cheer was one of them some of us got to try out after the care taker let us do some sports but then some of us got adopted and we still get to cheer because a lo of the girls are on scholarship money. I heard that Callie and Allyssa dad is super rich that they are no longer in scholarship monet like they were after their parents died they didnt want o stop so they would sneak off afterschool and we would cover for them,

Allyssa POV:
We are about to leave I love the gym we are at and it is amazing we all get a great practice and great hours of practice and we even get to go home eat supper and then come back but that is only when we have to compete that weekend and three weeks before we come in for morning practice and then regular practice but it means we have a chance at hitting zero which in cheer is really good.

Sierra POV:
I love my nieces and I am so happy I get to be here to help and take care of them while Cameron is gone but they told me they miss him and want to see him I mean I love them so much but sometimes a girl needs her dad and they really miss that he can not be here I maybe I can get him to come for a little bit I think I will call him while the girls are at practice.

Phone call:



S: Hey bro


S:I have a quesrion and its kind of important?

C: Okay What is it?
S: The girls miss you and said you promised to call them every day but since you havent they freak out at night and they wake up every 2 hours asking for you so I was wondering if you could maybe come see them?
C: As much as I wish I could I cant Bart will not let us leave unless we have to I will try to come as soon as possible but we are suppose to have a break from tour in 4 months.

S: Cameron they cant wait four months they miss their dad and they need you. If you dont talk to talk to Bart I will and I know you do not wan that.

C: Ok sis I will talk to Bart but I can not promise I will be able to come home for a week you might have to bring the girls to me if I cant come home.

S: How I am suppose to do that when they have to be at cheer practice it will be easier for you to come here and I would also like to see you.

C: Ok i have to go to talk to Bart to see if I can come home or see if my girls can come visit I have missed them and I broke my promise to call,

S: Its ok but love you and talk to you soon.

End of call

Cameron POV:
I walked to Barts room and asked if I could talk to him 



C: Bart my sister just called and told me that the girls every 2 hours call for me so I was wondering if there is anyway I could go home or they could come here to visit but it will be easier if I went home.

B: Cameron I understand but you made a commitment but I do understand girls need their father every once and a while so I will give all of you a break to go home.

C:Thank you so much Bart.     

I am going to call my sister back now

S:Hey bro

C: Sis we are coming home but instead of for a week we get to come for a month Bart is going to move somethings around for me to be home for a month and all of the guys get to come back to we are leaving in 4 hours is there any way you can call one of the moms and tell them not to pick up Callie and Allyssa because I will be there to pick them up.

S: Yeah sure I can do that they will be so excited. I will call the mom now I just dropped them off so I will not tell them you are picking them up.

C: Thanks sis you are the best I am so glad I get to see my girls I am leaving to pack and then we head to the airport becasue it an hour drive and thena 2 hour flight and then an hour to come get the car and to get to the gym so it works perfect they will still have an hour of practice when I get there but thats ok I never forgot the scheduele they have for cheer because I wanted to suprise them when we got our acutal break,

S: I know but if you want it to just be you and the girls the boys can stay here with me I also moved closer so that way if you need me I will be over sooner an in fact I am so closer I can do the girls hair for practice I moved next door.

C: Sis that is great.

S: I know but you need to go boeard your plane so I will talk to you later,

C: Okay sis bye.

End of phone call

I can wait to suprise the girls Callie is going to be so excited to see Jack again he has kept his promise to her they have facetimed every night before bed and she misses him so much I think I might take him with me I really am starting to think my place is here with my girls I think I might call Bart later and tell him that I am not going on tour until the summer and the guys sau the same and my girls come with us I am never leaving them again unless it cheer season.

Sasha POV:
I love the coaches they really work with us on our skills so thats great they want to make sure we havw it and what the best part is I am with my friends again and get to compete with themits going to be so much fun to get to compete.

Callie POV:
We just finished practice and Allyssa and I walk out to see our dad and Jack standing by his car I yell DAD! alsso yell Jack! I am so happy to see yall but what about the tour? Dad tells me Sierra called and said every 2 hours yall wake up ask for me I talked to Bart and got to come home for a little while. Dad I wish you could stay longer we love our aunt Sierra bur we need our dad here we thought you forgot about us when you stopped calling abd you didnt want us anymore we saw you reverse our adoption and we do not want to go back to that place.     

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