THE end of fun time

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Callie POV:
I have loved having the guys here espically dad he even went to a couple practices and 4 competitions we had while he was here I do not want he to leave again it was hard enough the first time I love that dad did not make us go right to bed when we got home and we got to spend a couple hours with the guys they are the best they all missed us and really wanted to talk to me when the ones that would call would call but the only persons calls I took the most was Jack G's he would facetime me every night after practice and every morning when I would get up we talk for about an hour in the morning because we can start school whenever we want online. I really want to go with dad but I also want to cheer maybe if dad gets me a cheer coach I can go with dad and still compete I can be with dad until we have to compete then dad can flt me out and then I meet up with them at the next stop.

Cam POV:
I had an idea I know Allyssa doesnt want to go on tour but Callie wants to be with me and she is willing to go on tour but she wants me to get her a coach to travel with us I mean she said they have coaches that want to travel and want to be able to get paid for it so why not you ask one of them if they will come on tour so I can she also said that I can fly her out or Eddie and Orby will have tickets to every competition waiting for her when she has to fly out and they will give her the tickets to come to the next stop and we both thought she could use the stage as long as it was before soundcheck which I will allow her to do school after it means she will still get to do cheer because she loves it. I am going to call Vart to see if Callie can come. 

END !!!

C: Hey Bart I have a question?

B: Sure Cam what can I do for you.

C:As you know our two week break is almost over and I was wondering can I bring one of my daughters she will still do cheer and school I put them in online school so she can do school ont the bus or anywhere we are and she will still cheer but she will cheer before sound check in the arenas.

B: Cam as long as she ismstill doing things she would orginally do at home she can come but she can not dristarct any of you.

C: Thanks Bart the one I am bringing is the older girl Allyssa doesnt want to come.

B: Ok I will make sure I have an extra room for her when you all get here.

C: Ok thanks again.


Time to tell everyone the good news I go get Sierra and then I call the girls to come down they come down at the same time Sierra gets here Allyssa I know you dont want to go on tour but you need to hear this Callie I just called Bart because I know you do not want us to leave again but we have to but I asked him if you could come with us. He said as long as you do everything you would do here but either in the room of bus or arena he even  said that we can have an extra room either for you and your coach or just you. She said dad I love you and I can not wait to be with you and if I need you in the middle of the night I can acutally find you do not get me wrong I love Sierra but I missed you Sierra is great mother figure but all I really want is you guys so I am so happy to be going with you. She asks if she can go pack now? I tell her sure. Now to tell Allyssa that since she is not going she can either stay here with Sierra at our house or she can go stay at Sierras but she still needs Sierra to take care of her. She says that she wants to stay here at our house. I also tell her I have her a present since Callie is leaving with us so I pull out a brand new blue Iphone and tell her she can call any of us anytime.

Allyssa POV:
I can not believe my sister she wants to leave me but I have always wondered what it would be like if I was an only child now I can see how the other half lives with my sister gone she promised never to leave but its ok I get some alone time with our aunt Sierra and I still get to cheer at the gym.

Callie POV:
I am almost done packing I need to call and find me a cheer coach who wants to travel now because the earliest flight we could get leaves at 1 am on Saturday and they will be ready to leave at midnight just so we do not miss our flight so we are going to be there an hour early so I have three suit cases just for regular clothes and then I have duffel bag with all of my cheer stuff and then I have my carry on bag as well and then my cheer bag to so that I will have everything for competitions they  found me a coach but they did it randomly but they said that its one of the coaches that fills in when the coaches are sick  I just hope that she pushes me as much as Eddie and Orby do.

Nash POV:
I am glad Callie is coming Skylynn is suppose to come spend the summer with us as in Hayes and I but she cant be by herself while we are on stage and meeting the fans she likes Callie though she was with us for a couple days before we left for tour when it started and she would ask Callie to play with her and she is really great with Skylynn.

Cam POV:
I am so happy Callie gets to come on tour she is going to love it maybe I can get her to do some tumbling and stunts at magcon that would be so cool in the summer they are going to let Allyssa come to spend three months with us its going to be a great tour.  

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