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Ignore the mistakes


"I don't want this," Jin-Woo murmurs.

As Taehyung suspected, Jin-Woo really didn't want this.

Jin-Woo has always been that carefree guy. He loved his royal life but he just wanted to do his own thing in the kingdom. He wants to rule the his kingdom alone.

He was so confident in himself on doing it alone but, of course, his parents had always said no to him about it. And now this was really a no from them.

All because they wanted money.

"Just know that I'm sorry for all of this, I can't do nothing about it," Jin-Woo sighs sadly.

Taehyung's emotions were everywhere. There was no reason for Jin-Woo to apologize. None of this was his fault.

"D-Don't apologize for something you can't control—" Taehyung took a breath, "I don't want this to and as you can see, I'm pregnant with my mates baby. I want to be happy with him but look where we are now, all because of stupid rules and—" Taehyung pauses, eyes tearing up.

He sits down on the bench with his hands on his puffy face. Water droplets were finally falling down from his eyes.

Taehyung started crying. Something he tried so hard not to do for the past week. He was sure Jeongguk could feel how hurt he was.

Jin-Woo didn't know what to do so he just stood there and watched Taehyung with sympathy eyes. Jin-Woo was never big on comforting people so he felt uncomfortable about this.

It was awkward.

Taehyung continued to sob but as he was sobbing, he felt a new sensation in his heart, his mind feeling open, and his wolf howling.

A faint voice was trying to break into his mind but he couldn't recognize it yet. It was to faint.

The voice kept on trying so hard to come to him. The deep soothing voice that Taehyung loved so much. He could hear him.

"Baby?" The voiced called in his head. It almost felt like Taehyung was hallucinating.

"Jeongguk?" He linked back, his face lighting up. They could finally link?

"Yes, baby, it's me. Your mate to save the day. What's wrong, sweets?"

"I'm overwhelmed. It might just be my hormones but I feel so bad right now," Taehyung sniffles, wiping his eyes.

He forgot that Jin-Woo was standing right Infront of him.

"Tae, everything will be under control. We're gonna make sure the both of us make it out. I want our family safe. I love you so much my sweet bear," Jeongguk soothes, his comments securing Taehyung and calming him down.

Taehyung giggles and Jin-Woo looks at him like he was crazy.

"Thank you so much, Ggukie. I love you more. I have good and bad news to pass on to you since I can't see you tonight."

"Okay, baby. Just don't let that prince touch you. I can feel him near you and I don't like it," Jeongguk growls, making Taehyung have a shiver run down his body.

The baby flutters from it to. He couldn't wait to feel the first kick.

Taehyung didn't know how Jeongguk knew that the beta prince was near him but he was glad Jeongguk felt the need to protect him.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll be fine I'll see you soon," Taehyung says.

"Bye, love," Jeongguk says his goodbye before cutting off the link. Both of them felt so ecstatic after the link.

Taehyung thought that the linking would have never happened. Now that both of them can link, Taehyung felt so protected. He could finally talk to Jeongguk and listen to his voice.

He was so overjoyed.

The sudden mood change had taken Jin-Woo aback. He was so perplexed.

It was at a point where he actually thought Taehyung was crazy.

Taehyung finally realized that someone was with him. His head snaps up, eyes widening as he looks at  Jin-woo's confused state.

He blushes from the embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I was just in a link with my mate. We can leave now," Taehyung said swiftly, walking ahead of Jin-Woo to the dinning room where he assumed everyone was at.

For the rest of the day and dinner, Taehyung ignored everything because of his mind thinking about his link with Jeongguk and just Jeongguk in general.

And knew now that everything is going to be alright.

"Apparently, the prince doesn't won't this neither," Yoongi said to Jeongguk.

Taehyung had told Jin about it and told him to pass it on to Hoseok so he could pass it on to Yoongi. It was like their secret code since Taehyung and Jeongguk couldn't link each other for the rest of the night.

Jeongguk wanted Taehyung to have a good sleep. Like the good lover he was, he quickly told Taehyung to go to sleep. He could feel Taehyung was restless.

"That's a good thing. He wouldn't be hovering over what's mine. What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is, the prince can't stop whatever that's happening so I'm guessing we're literally saving him without him knowing." Yoongi shrugs.

Everything would still be okay and Jeongguk will make sure of it. Now that he could link with Taehyung, things is easier.

He just had one question lingering in his mind. How did Jeongguk link to Taehyung all of the sudden?

Jeongguk pushed that question behind his head. That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that they can link now, and Taehyung.

"Get some sleep. Don't stay up to long," Yoongi tells Jeongguk, "I can already see those eye bags crying." He chuckles.

But he was the same as Jeongguk. Eyes red and tired. Jeongguk felt sorry for Yoongi. At least he doesn't have to deal with Kai all night.

Even though Jeongguk still didn't—kinda, didn't like Hoseok, he was glad he let Kai guard another cell.

It was like a dream come true to Yoongi.

"You need some sleep to, Yoon," Jeongguk rasp. Yoongi just shook his head.

"I'll be okay, I promise."


They finally linked.

And is Taegguk to sweet in this story? Be honest

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