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Ignore the mistakes


Taehyung snuggles up to Jeongguk, smiling at the way his sent hits his nostrils. "I just can't believe we can link now," Taehyung says.

Jeongguk rubs on Taehyung's sides, kissing the top of his head, "well, I could feel all of your emotions and my wolf couldn't take it. That's probably why we finally linked."

Taehyung nods, burying his face in Jeongguk's neck. Things has been hectic for mostly Taehyung because of his mom pushing him to do things.

Yesterday, when they were getting his dress, Taehyung couldn't even link Jeongguk because he was around his mom that whole day.

He didn't want her to look at him suspicious of anything. On top of that, Taehyung had to force himself to have a conversation with Jin-Woo even though both of them didn't want it.

Now it's midnight, the next day, and Taehyung was in Jeongguk's arms for two hours, talking about how they still couldn't believe they could link now.

Jeongguk demanded Yoongi to take a nap or to just go to sleep because he knew he hasn't been getting any. After that "I'll be fine. I promise," Yoongi said to him, Jeongguk couldn't believe him.

He was worried of the alpha. 

It was now Wednesday and the wedding is in two days. Taehyung had thought his mother would have the wedding on Sunday but when they met the other royal family on Monday, she meant that in those five days in the week, Friday, the wedding will be held. 

His mother was so desperate for it. Jeongguk thinks that the date was good because the sooner it was, the sooner they would bounce.

"Jeongguk, you know I have to be with the prince the whole day right?" Taehyung carefully asked. He knew how overprotective Jeongguk could get at times.

He's like that with Hoseok. Taehyung doesn't know why Jeongguk was like that with Hoseok and not with Jin because he was closer with Jin. 

Hoseok is not a bad guy and Jeongguk knows that but Jeongguk couldn't control his jealousy with the male.

Hoseok literally has a mate.

Jeongguk kisses Taehyung's mark, rubbing his back and slightly moving his hands to Taehyung's plump ass. 

"I know that and I want you to keep at least three feet away from him," The alpha rasp. 

"Oh my gosh, babe, remember, the day we linked was the day me and the prince talked about how we didn't want it," Taehyung presses on, wanting to smack his mate across his head.

"Yes, I remember that but still," Jeongguk whines. Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes.

"I love you, Gguk. Only you," Taehyung slowly leans up, pecking his mates lips but Jeongguk wanted more.

Jeongguk grabs Taehyung's chin, pulling his face closer to his again. Their lips snack against each other.

Eyes closed tightly and lips sealing together. Jeongguk sticks his tongue into Taehyung's cavern, exploring and  memorizing the taste of his mate.

It was odd making out in a cell but Jeongguk was horny. He's not going to do nothing extreme to where they have sex in the cell. Hell no.

It's dirty in there and Yoongi was still there. All they could do is make out with each other until air knocks out of their bodies.

Taehyung needed this too. He was pregnant so he was ten times more horny then before.

Taehyung leans forward, plopping himself on Jeongguk's lap where he could feel his hard on.

Jeongguk's hands made it's way to Taehyung's ass, cupping and squeezing it. Taehyung moans in their mouth, sending a vibration through them. 

"I'm still here horny asses," Yoongi groans, fingers between his eyes.

Taehyung blushes, embarrassed that they got caught sucking their faces off.

"Are you do okay now, Yoongs?" Jeongguk ignores the situation, trying not to get embarrassed himself.

"I'm fine like I said before." Yoongi grumbles. Seeing two mates almost getting it in a cell wasn't a sight Yoongi wanted to wake up to but he did.

"Speaking of feeling better and sleep, Taehyung, you have to go now. I want you and this baby to stay healthy," Jeongguk said, kissing Taehyung's cheek.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow night," Taehyung says. He gets up from Jeongguk's lap with the help of his mate and gives him a goodbye kiss.

"Be careful, baby. I love you."

"I love you too," Taehyung grins, Yoongi walks out the cell with him just to make sure he makes it out safe.

"Yoongi, be okay. I know you're not and it's okay to talk to us," Taehyung assures.

Yoongi didn't say anything but took in Taehyung's word. "I will."


I'm confused as to why chapter 14 has more reads then 13 🤦🏾‍♀️

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I'm confused as to why chapter 14 has more reads then 13 🤦🏾‍♀️. If you're confused, go read chapter 13 bc that is an important chapter.

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