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Ignore the mistakes


Sung-dae looks around the small house, looking at the small pictures on the side tables and the big pictures on the wall.

There were some pictures of him and Youngho while most of them were of Youngho and his daughter.

"Seems like he wanted to forget about me" Sung-dae thought.

The house had a warm feel to it and Sung-dae felt so comfortable in the small house. It wasn't something he was used to since he lived in a palace his whole life.

Even though he wasn't used to it, he did feel a familiar feeling to it. Maybe because his mate was there.

Youngho came back with tea, giving a cup to Sung-dae as he sits down beside him.

"It's going to take a long time trying to forgive you." Youngho softly says.

"I know..." Sung-dae frowns at himself. He fucked up plenty of times and now he has to wait for two important wolves to forgive him.

"There's no doubt that you love me, I can still feel our bound. But all that we lost."

Sung-dae knows what Youngho means. They lost their chance on having their own baby together, being open, happy, lost connection of their bound, alot of suffering.

Hell, they couldn't even link each other anymore. Their separation caused it to break.

They couldn't even feel each other's feelings anymore. They were too far from each other for way too long. It broke from the pain.

Sung-dae puts his hands on his face, his elbows on his knees as he leans down, "I regret not saving our love but I do not regret my son. I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologise about that. You're Taehyung's father so you would feel that way. You love your son as much as a father should. I'm holding this grudge to you because I feel you could have done more. I was too weak to do anything. I'm a beta after all."

"Ranks have nothing to do with being weak." Sung-dae sternly said, "I'm an alpha and I feel weak. I couldn't save us and now look where we're now."

Youngho looks down at his hand that was around his cup. He realized that he shouldn't be so angry at Sung-dae.

They were both young and felt defeated. The royal families were too powerful to be stopped back then. At a time like that, Korea wasn't so open about lgbtq+ so it was hard to even fight for them.

Were there other options? No, it wasn't. The world is cruel now but the world back then would have literally put them in jail for just having a different interest in their sexuality.

Youngho feels bad for holding a grudge against his mate but he just couldn't help it.

It was selfish, yes but the jealously and the hurt was there.

"I shouldn't be mad at you looking at how society was in our time. Don't blame yourself because it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry for being so selfish. I-I need time to heal."

"Youngho....." The alphas voice cracked. It broke Youngho's heart.

Youngho's face showed a sign of glum. He puts his cup down on the coffee table in front of him and puts his hand on sung-dae's shoulder.

"Sung-dae needed to heal too. Not just me."

"It's none of our fault. We couldn't do anything about it." Youngho assures. He regrets holding that grudge, and now he's about to let it go. 

No more being selfish in this situation. They need to work it out.

"Even if it's not your fault, you still apologize. I accept your apology."

Sung-dae looks up, their faces close to each other. Youngho looked even younger then before.

Sung-dae slightly smiles, sneaking his arm around Youngho's waist.

Just from that gesture, Youngho felt safe again. Being in your mates arms after a long time made Youngho want to ball his eyes out for the whole night.

"Let's heal together." Sung-dae said.

Without even realizing it, both of their faces become even more closer. They were leaning in, ready to feel each other's lips again until a door opens, startling both of the mates.

"Papa?"  A sweet voice said. She was standing at the door, bags in her hand. She looks as if she was shopping.

She was almost the same age as Taehyung, dirty blond hair short, lips small and almond grey shaped eyes.

"Jeongyeon, hey sweetie. How was shopping?" Youngho nervously chuckles.

Jeongyeon looks at her dad with a raised eyebrow, "Who is this?" She asked.

She looked at Sung-dae closely, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar.

"T-This is Sung-dae." Youngho fumbled.

Jeongyeon hummed, waving at the shifting alpha. She was about to walk into her room, not having any care about what was going on.

She wasn't the type to meddle in her Papa's business. 

Something clicked, making Jeongyeon gasp, "Papa, why is the king in our living room?" 

Jeongyeon said with wide eyes. Youngho sighs, tapping the couch beside him.

Sung-dae fiddled with his fingers, looking at Youngho.

"Don't worry. I need to tell her our story anyways." Sung-dae nodded, turning his head to the dirty blonde and smiling at her.

Youngho tells her about them being mates, about how they got separated and couldn't do anything about it because of the society they lived in.

Both of them telling them how they felt now that they reunited.

Jeongyeon sadly grins, hugging her father when the story ends.

She looks at Sung-dae and gets up to hug him.

Jeongyeon held so much sympathy for the mates. Their story closed up in a bad note, leaving them in heart break.

The book closed to what feels a hundred decades only to open back up just now but still with the pain.

It was a sequel to their healing and the lost years of their bound and love.

"Don't feel pity for us." Sung-dae says, noticing the sympathy in Jeongyeon's eyes.

"This is how our life went. We couldn't control it then." Sung-dae smiles.

His eyes look back at his mate, "But, we can control it now. I love your father so much, Jeongyeon. It's my job to build us back up."

Jeongyeon connects her hands together, putting it Infront of her face as she tried to hide her trembling lips.

They've been through so much and she hated that it had to go the way it did.

It happened and she couldn't do anything about. She held back her tears and smiles for her father.

She hopes that Youngho will finally be happy.


I want to thank all of you for supporting me. I love you 💜

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