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Ignore the mistakes


The people who stayed and spoke out were standing at the palace doors, greeting goodbye to Taehyung and Jeongguk seeing that they're leaving.

It was refreshing to Taehyung to see that people understand this situation.

Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi really helped them alot. Including Sung-dae.

Even though Taehyung hasn't accepted his apology, Taehyung will be forever grateful for his dad for this.

Hoseok was holding the very bright blue eyed Omega by his waist. It surprised everyone that he was hoseok's mate. 

His name is park Jimin. Taehyung clicked with him so fast. They were already like bestfriends. The way they spoke to each other were like how a close family member talks to you.

Sung-dae taps Jeongguk's shoulder, smiling at the alpha. He gave Jeongguk two phones. One for him and one for Taehyung.

Jeongguk looked at it confused, but he knew Sung-dae was going to tell them what was happening.

"I gave you these phones to contact me or your friends. I'll be quick to answer if you need anything. I also got an apartment for your family and a personal doctor."

Jeongguk widened his eyes, mouth agape out of surprise. Sung-dae really went out of his way to do this for them? This moment was like a miracle to them.

They had no place to go but jin's house but now they do. It was nice to know to have a place alone with Taehyung and their baby.

Taehyung tears up. He doesn't know how to feel. Should he feel bad for not accepting his father's apology?

Taehyung shook his head. This was only a step to making Taehyung trust his father. Though, he will admit, Sung-dae needs a hug for this long morning.

He came out, exposed his mother, worried about protecting them and even apologizing to Taehyung again and to the kingdom. 

That was a big step for Taehyung about his father. Taehyung unwrapped Jeongguk's arm from around his body, making his way towards his father for a hug.

It might not be much of a hug because of his belly but at least he could hug his father as tight as he could.

"Thank you so much, father," Taehyung thanks, kissing his father's cheek before pulling away.

Sung-dae's heart warms up from his son's gesture. He was overjoyed that Taehyung hugged him after a long time.

They haven't had a interaction like this since Taehyung was just a child. Sung-dae missed those days.

Oh how much Taehyung has grew. Now he's seeing his only child go to another place.

Far from Korea.

It's only for the best. "There's a limo outside waiting for you guys," Sung-dae chuckles, "hurry up and say goodbye to your friends. W-we'll miss you...alot."

Sung-dae tears up a little. He just couldn't grasp that this is happening.

Taehyung carefully walks over to Jin and the others, smiling at them as Jeongguk watched over how Taehyung was walking.

The dress looks really good on Taehyung but the way it was made had Jeongguk scared that Taehyung would trip and fall on it. Jeongguk shivers at that thought.

"You're a very good mate for my son," Sung-dae said. Jeongguk nodded, looking at Taehyung with the most passionate eyes.

"I love him, maybe more then he loves me," Jeongguk chortles. It may be true. All he knows is, Taehyung's love for him is more then infinity.

Is that possible? In Jeongguk's mind it is.

"Thank you again. I'll see you later," it wasn't a bye. Jeongguk just knew they're going to see each other again. It was only a matter of time it'll happen.

When the kingdom needs them.

Jeongguk walks over to Taehyung and his friends, a weight getting off his shoulders as every bad thing seems to be leaving them behind.

It was sad saying goodbye to the people who helped them so much. No, it wasn't a goodbye. It was a see you later.

Taehyung and Jeongguk got in the limo with a good feeling and with Seokjin saying something ridiculous.

"Don't break Taehyung, Jeon Jeongguk". Jeongguk replied with, "I can't, he's pregnant right now"

Jeongguk got a very hard hit from his mate.

Taehyung puts his head on Jeongguk's shoulder, eyes closing as they take a long ride to the airport.

"Are you going to miss the kingdom?" Jeongguk asked. Taehyung just snickered, playing with Jeongguk's hand that was laying on his lap.

"I would miss the kingdom but not the palace. Too much bad memories in that place. The only good ones was leaving and our friends," Taehyung says.

Jeongguk frowns. The pain that palace  put Taehyung through. Both of them.

"Let's put this behind us. Right now, we're going to focus on us."

"This is what I'm doing, babe. I'm focusing on the love we have for each other–everything about us." Taehyung grins. His eye were getting droopy.

It's been a long two weeks. This all happened in a span of two weeks. It really has been a long two weeks and Taehyung was tired.

"Take a nap, baby. I'll watch over you," Jeongguk kisses the top of Taehyung's head, ruffling the omegas blond hair.

Taehyung nods, his eyes shutting close as he feels the warmth of his mate beside him as he sleeps.

Something he hasn't felt in a long time.


I'm puking rainbows from this sksk

I'm puking rainbows from this sksk

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