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Ignore the mistakes


"He hasn't picked up yet?" Taehyung asked as he breastfeeds Kamaya. Jeongguk shook his head, sighing and laying his head back on their headboard.

His hand was going behind his head and he closes his eyes to calm his nerves.

"It's been a few days since we've been trying to contact him. At this point, I can't even try to think of the positive." Jeongguk voices out. 

"Babe, you're overthinking too much. That's why you're thinking negative. I'm pretty sure Yoongi just wants his time alone so the only thing we could do it either wait for him to call back and send him voice messages with good notes." Taehyung assured.

"We called him like two hundred times, we need to at least Wait for something good to happen." Taehyung leans down near Jeongguk's face, giving him a peck on the alphas cheek.

"For right now, Kamaya wants to lay on her daddy." Taehyung said, giving Kamaya to Jeongguk as he covers up his chest.

The newborn immediately latched onto Jeongguk's shirt, making Jeongguk chuckle in aw at their daughter.

Jeongguk puts his hand on her tiny back, soothing her to sleep. He kisses her forehead, still rubbing her back.

"I'll always protect you my little angel." Jeongguk whispered. Taehyung almost teared at the sight of Jeongguk and Kamaya bonding together.

It's something that Taehyung would never get tired of. Every second with Kamaya will be engraved into Taehyung's mind and he'll cherish them until his last breath.

"I love you, Jeongguk." Taehyung said, his voice breathless as he let his three words pour out his emotions.

Jeongguk smiles as bright as he could, his bunny like smile making Taehyung smile his box like smile as well.

"I love you too, Taehyung."

It's been two months since Kamaya has been born into this world and now she's growing as ever.

The little alpha is starting to gain more control of her body–meaning that she's learning how to keep her head up for a little while.

Kamaya has a habit of suckling on her tiny little fingers with the same doe eyes Taehyung has.

Right now, she was having her tummy time. Her head was going up and down as she tries to hold up. She was making small little murmur sounds as she wiggles around.

Taehyung was Infront of her, watching as their daughter learns how to hold her head up.

It's taking time but the couple could see how she's slowly getting used to holding her head up.

Jeongguk comes walking in the living room where Taehyung and Kamaya was at.

Jeongguk sits down beside Taehyung, wrapping his arm around the smallers back, "We should have more kids." Jeongguk said.

Taehyung chokes, coughing a bit, "J-Jeongguk, it's too early for that."

"I know, I meant in the future." Taehyung makes an 'O' shape with his mouth, nodding his head.

"Two more would be good."

"No, let's have seventeen babies."

"Babe, chill." Taehyung playfully glares at the Alpha. Jeongguk puts his hands up, smirking at the Omega.

Kamaya starts to whimpers, her tiny lip wobbling. Taehyung picks her up, kissing her cheek.

"Now, what's wrong peanut?" Taehyung asked her like she would respond.

Kamaya started to cry, Taehyung rocking her to calm down but that wasn't working.

Taehyung checked her diaper, it doesn't need to be changed. He checked her eyes and see if she was tired, she was.

But she wasn't going to sleep as Taehyung was rocking her.

Instead, she was crying for food. Jeongguk helps Taehyung pull up his shirt to have him ready to breast feed.

Kamaya latches on to Taehyung's chest, suckling on his nipple to get every drop of milk from him.

"There you go, Maya." Taehyung boops her nose but winces as her gums bit down on his nipple.

Struggles of breastfeeding. 

Jeongguk caresses Kamaya's hair, loving the softness of her black hair.

"She's growing up so fast, already at two months." Jeongguk frowns. He was sad that Kamaya was already growing to become a big girl.

Kamaya would grow to be a adorable toddler in a blink an eye.

"I know right. She'll be our goofy bean." Taehyung grins. Jeongguk frowns at him.

"What?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow.

"She will stay a baby forever for me."

Taehyung laughs at his mate, "Gguk, you're being one of those protective dads."

"Hell yeah I am." Jeongguk says. You see, Kamaya was a big daddy's girl. Jeongguk's bond with Kamaya is like they were cut from the same cloth.

Kamaya would be chilling then burst out crying just to have Jeongguk to hold her. She would stay up all night with Jeongguk and watch discovery tv with him just to watch some fishes in the sea.

Most of all, Kamaya would curiously poke around Jeongguk's face. Taehyung could already tell that Kamaya and Jeongguk would be a mischievous duo.

Of course Kamaya loves the wolf who gave birth to her. She loves to cuddle with Taehyung and take naps with him.

She also loves it when Taehyung talks to her and have their tummy time.

Taehyung was proud of himself for being a great papa or mommy. Whichever Kamaya would call him in the future.

Taehyung pecks Jeongguk's soft lips, "you're a great father, Ggukie." Taehyung compliments. Jeongguk blushes, "Thank you, baby."

Taehyung could feel Kamaya faltering in her feeding. He looks down to see the baby alpha falling to sleep.

Taehyung stands up from the floor, sitting down on the couch as Jeongguk follows suit.

The couple cuddled up and watches over their two month old, their apartment in peaceful silence.


I think(key word: think) there's a few chapters left (。ノω\。)

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