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"Miss lee... Mr. Lee wants to meet you in his office," The secretary Informed her and she nodded her head. She let out a smile before her mobile start ringing. "Jia I have a information regarding your mother case," someone speak on the mobile and Jia feel nervous as her heart start beating faster.

"Tell me," She said, other line went silent before he speak up. "Mr. Lee is the one who closed the file... the evidence and your confession was deleted by him ..." Her heart sank as she heard those words. "Are you sure?" She asked and unsure if that true or false.

"I am sure everything seems to look like that he just done this to save the person who is behind your mother's death," She quickly hang up the call as the tear roll out from her eyes. "You make the most worst mistake in your life," She said and stood up from her chair.

She walk out from her cabin as her eyes shows nothing but blankness. She walk towards Mr. Lee office she walk inside after knocking the door. She saw him sitting on the chair doing his works he look up and smile.

"My princess," He said and stood up. He smile at her while she look at him with her blank face. Mr. Lee look at him as his smile disappears. He clear his throat. "I have something to give you," He said and open his drawer taking out a box. He open the box and slide it towards her.

"Her necklace," Jia look towards the neckless as she start feel suffocation. She can't hide her feeling when it come to her mother. Mr. Lee smile at her when she hold her necklace in her hand.

"She want me to give you this as your wedding gift," He said and the tear fell put from her eyes remembering the old memories. "I hope she will with us and see you becoming bride," He said in sad tone. Jia look up and let out a bitter chuckle.

"As you care," She said and Mr. Lee let out a sigh. "Why are you always so cold towards me.... My Daughter please don't cold with me I have no one except you," He said with begging tone. "You are not my father," She said and his eyes fell down.

"You just the one who give me your name, Who taught me, Who care about me after my mother death," She said and he hold her hand in his. "I know, but baby I am your father and your mother is my wife, I love both of you so much," He said and Jia walk backward.

"If you love us why you closed her murder case," She spat out and Mr. Lee shocked with her words and the grip of his hand loosen. "Why did you delete all the evidence and my confession," She asked and he turn to look other side trying to hide his emotions.

"I never called you dad, not because I don't accept you as a dad but because I hate the word dad and calling you with the same word made me hate you too... I behave cold with you just because i want you left me start your family... your real family but all you do to stuck with me in my horrible life," The tears start falling from her eyes as she spoke this words. She is not the person who cry easily but it happen now.

"You love my mother, you take care of us as your family, you give me your name, this company you done everything, why?" She asked and he look back to her. Seeing her daughter cry he hug her quickly. "Cause I love both of you, because you always my daughter even though not a biological but still my daughter and for your happiness I can ruin anyone life," He confess while Jia cried on his chest. He never saw her crying but this is the second time after her mother she cried.

"Then what about my mother case... if you love mom why didn't you take the murderer behind the prison," He take a deep breath and hold her arms. "It was your mother choice to close the case... You mother don't want to do anything with your father and your step mother," Jia look at him as he confess. Jia walk backwards. "That night your mother told me about everything, she might be with us if I just not leave both of them alone. You brother might be alive if I just don't hear her words and left the room," He said and Jia walk backwards.

"What do you mean? She didn't died in the car accident," She asked and her eyes widen when he shook his head.


"Yes mom, don't worry I am alright," She said and sat on the couch as she look towards her mom who is busy with jewelry. "Jungkook really give you this much," Eunbi let out a chuckled and she nodded her head. "Mom Jungkook is madly in love with me," She said and her mother nodded her head before replying.

"Don't worry mom, I don't let Jia to steel what mine," She said and Her mother nodded. "What about marriage? What if he change his mind?" Eunhi let out a chuckled before replying. "He is a fool mother... he live kids so much and when he hear I am pregnant with his baby he made this plan so I will be safe until he got 50 percent of the share of his company by his father," Eunhi casually said and Her mother laugh.

"So you going to give birth to the baby," She asked and Eunhi let out a sigh. "I have to if I want to become rich... I want Jungkook property and his company," She said and her mother think about a second before replying. "But you can take it from him if you just use your baby why need to marrying him," She asked and Eunhi stood up.

"Because of Jia, I want to see her ruin, I want to see her broken, i want to snatch everything from her, I hate her." Eunhi said and her mother stood up. "Jia is smart girl since she is kid... I don't think she will fall in your trap," her mother said and Eunhi let out a chuckle. "That's why I use Jungkook, She can suspect me but not him cause she love him," Her mother nodded her head, little did she know that there is something which is not right but she shrugg her thought when she saw her daughter smiling and confident face.


Jia walk inside the apartment with anger. She walk inside just to greet by Jungkook sitting on the couch, She ignore him as she walk inside her room open the drawer just to find her gun inside the drawer. Jungkook feel something wrong so he walk inside following her and when he saw the gun in her hand he quickly walk towards her.

"Jia , what are you going to do?" Jungkook asked as he hold her shoulder. She shrugg his hand off and walk out from the room. "Jia stop," Jungkook said and walk towards her. She didn't stop until he hold her wrist and make her turn towards him.

"What are you doing with this?" He asked and she look at him. "I am going to kill them," She said in most dangerous tone. The panicked take over him as he try to calm her down. "Jia, don't be stupid," Jungkook try to snatch gun from her knowing her anger she can do anything. "Let it go Jungkook," She said in threatening tone but didn't effect him.

"STOP JUNGKOOK LET ME GO," She yell and the tears start falling from her eyes, Jungkook hug her tightly after taking gun from her hand and throwing on the couch. "Let me go .... I want to kill them just like they kill my mother," She said and sobbed on his chest. He hold her tightly afraid of her anger.

"Its okay Jia... everything will be fine," He said and Jia shook her head. "Nothing going to fine... They killed my mother and new born sibling without thinking twice," She said and hit his chest. Frankly he know this since Mr. Lee tell him by himself, but he never want to Jia to find this not until everything will go as it plan.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to hurt them until they beg me for death... believe in me my love, I will take away all your pain ... believe in me ICE."

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