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He walk inside the familiar apartment he used to share with Eunhi. His eyes are red as his heart hurting. It's not her fault though he doesn't know when he make that baby. "Kang Eunhi," He yell her name.

She walk out from the room as she look towards angry Jungkook. Her breath stuck as she look towards him. He look angry which is not good for her. "Oppa," She said in low voice.

Jungkook look towards her as she remind him his biggest mistake. He shouldn't play that game. He should just left her 5 years ago when he know the truth. He should not just agree with Mr. Lee. If that was not happen he might be living with His wife.

He done the biggest mistake. He broke her trust, heart and the most important thing their marriage. What if she know the truth, he has no way to explain it to her. She will leave him, he is going to loose her again.

"I am sorry," She said and walk towards him. Jungkook comeout from his thought as he look towards her. "Why are you in seoul?" He asked I'm angry voice. Eunhi try to hold his hand but he just shrugg her hand off.

"Why are you hear?" He asked and she look at him in his eyes which are blank not showing the love she want to see in her eyes. "Jungkook," She said and Jungkook turn around not wanting to face her.

"I was lonely there, I am 8 months pregnant, I want to stay with you," she said and walk towards him. He hold himself before looking back. "Pack your bags, you are going to paris back," He order. She shook her head. "I am not," "YOU ARE KANG EUNHI," He cut her. She look at him with widen eyes.

"Jungkook," "Please go back," He pleaded. She shook her head and take a step back. "You don't want us, You don't love me anymore," She asked. Jungkook run his hands in his hair. He has no idea what should he do. "Give me some time, I need sometime," He said again. He hold her shoulder and look in her eyes.

"How much time you want? 6 months, I am living in paris for 6 months and here you are asking for time, What are you waiting for? You got 51% of the share, just divorce her," Jungkook just looking at her. His mind is blank now. He is stuck now in his own plan.

"Just divorce her," She said while Jungkook just looking at her with emotionless face. "Don't say you fall in love with her," She said. He was about to say something when the bell of the front door ring.

He look back and walk towards the door. He open the door as his eyes widen in fear. "Jia," He said as he look at her. She smile and look at him. "I knew you were here," She said and her eyes fall on the figure behind him.

She knew it, She look in Jungkook feared eyes. She lightly push him side as she walk inside the Appartment. Eunhi look at Jia who just smiling at her like nothing happen. She sat on the couch while jungkook still stand there and look at her.

"Why are you here?" Eunhi said, Jia look at her before smirking. "Don't you remember what you said today," She asked and Eunhi just tighten her fist. Jungkook didn't ulter a word as he look at her. "Nice Mr. Jeon," Jia look at him while showing her smile.

"Well congrats, You are going to be a dad," She said as both of them stay silent. Something in her change, Something make her change herself. She is not his wife, she is not the one who he love. "I can Explain," Jungkook said and Jia let out a chuckle.

"What you going to explain, This baby, your affair or your plan," She asked. Jungkook has no words to speak. She walk towards him. "Don't worry, you dont have to waste your time for explaining me cause I know everything," She said and he look at her.

Her eyes change and it get dark and cold which Jungkook fear the most. "I know about your plan from the starting, I know what's going on with you," She said with low voice. Jungkook feel his heart crash along with his dream and world.

She look back to Eunhi and smirk. "Well... you are right I am becoming Mrs Kang Jisoo... but not let me show you Lee Jia," She walk towards Eunhi. "Ask Jungkook, Ask for divorce," Jia said looking at Eunhi as if she Testing.

"You know about all this," Jungkook finally said. Jia look back before nodding. "From our wedding day," She said and he look up in her eyes. "If your know why don't you Just ask something to me," He said, Jia pretend to think before smiling at him.

"Oh Kook... I don't want to ruin your plan," Jungkook give her unbelievable look as Jia just give him assurance smile. "You know I used to this... so don't be pity on me... I happy," She said looking at him. He shook his head before chuckle bitterly.

"All those day, Pretending to care about me, pretending to care about my family, pretending that you love me is all just a act," Jungkook ask. Jia look at him and shook her head before replying.

"That's how you play the game Jeon Jungkook.... Well well well... You already got the shares and got your revenge on me, didn't you?" She asked. He shook his head before walking towards her. They both totally ignore Eunhi who just listening their argument.

"You pretending all those things," She nodded her head without breaking the eye contact with him. He is hurt knowing that she just pretending to be happy, acting like she love him, acting like she care for him. But it just a part of act. "Then what else you want from me, to fall in love with a lier, to care about cheater," Jungkook didn't said anything just looking in her eyes.

His heart break in thousand place. "So you don't love me," He asked and she nodded her head. "Yes I don't love you," She said, emotionless she look in his eyes. He take a step back. "Why did you do that?" He asked. She shook her head before looking at him.

"I didn't do that, I just play along with your plan. I just act just like how you want me too... I didn't hurt her, I didn't harm her don't you see your girl is still alive with her baby," Jia said her eyes fell on Eunhi.

"I just play safe," Jia said. Eunhi walk towards Jungkook and hold his hand. Jungkook doesn't seems to bother from her action and continue looking at her. "Do you hate me?" He asked. Jia look at him and shook her head. "I don't hate you, I just give up on us."

"Leave him," Eunhi said jumping in the conversation. Jia look at him and nodded her head. "Ask Jungkook, For divorce," She said. Jungkook close his eyes. His thought are just messed up.

"Do you want to divorce me?" He asked. Jia smirk at him before walking closer. "Depend on you... Choose between her and me," She said. Jungkook didn't reply nor he want to. Jia look in his eyes and she got her reply in his silence.

"Meet me at 12 in my cabin, I will sign the papers," She said and take her bag from the table. She walk away from them leaving them alone in the apartment. The tears start gathering in her eyes as she feel the pain in her chest.

He steps start tumble as she walk away from the apartment. The tears blurring her view. She is weak, broken and hurt at the same time. She made her decision. She give up on him. She let him go. Finally he is free.

She walk on the sidewalk as the rain start pouring. It's dark outside and she doesn't know anything. "I can't be kang Jisoo... I can't become Kang Jisoo, I am Lee Jia..." She mumble.

Everything shatter in her heart. There is nothing left in her life. She win him, again she is the one who give up on him. Why just why she love Jungkook too much.

She is asking the question to herself. No one love her, nor her father, nor he. "I become ICE."


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