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Jungkook walk back and forth inside the hospital room. While Eunhi and the new born baby girl sleeping soundlessly. He look towards the small angle and the fear built inside him. He is waiting for a call which only can decide his fate along with her.

He waited until his mobile ring. Without wasting time he pick up. "Jungkook, DNA repost is positive, She really is your child," He said. Jungkook gulp and hangup the call without replying.

He made mistake, He should be careful with her, but where he gone wrong. He never touch her other then having kiss with her. He always reject him cause he don't want to go far with her. He has no feeling for her.

He look towards the crib and walk out from the room. What he going to do next? The small angle born in his complicated life, He doesn't know what to do next, if he proceed his plan he might take away the baby from her mother.

"Its a mess, I made my life mess."


It's almost 1 month since Eungi give birth to a baby girl. Jia knows about this and she still waiting for Jungkook to do something as he promise her. She gulp when her eyes fall on the file which are their divorce paper.

As he promise, she has right to submit it in court but she can't, something holding her. Everyone including His and her parents know that they already divorce and she left his house. Everyone just can't understand them and her mother is angry on Jungkook, little did she know it is because of Eunhi.

Jungkook didn't show up after that day, they cut all connection, this marriage is only a thing left between them. She take a deep breath and lean against her chair. Her eyes closed until she received call from someone.

"Jia, Are you free?" Aera asked from the other line when she pick up the call. "No, I still have work to done," She said.

Aera didn't said anything. "Why you asking this?" Jia asked. "I want to buy some cloths for Taera," She said. Jia frowned her eyebrows in confusion. "Taera?" Jia question. Aera chuckle.

"Yah, our 6 month old baby girl," Jia try to hold her laugh but endup laughing hard. "She still in you tummy, By the way I will come, just for my niece," Jia said and Aera quickly laugh and thanks her before hanging up the call.


"You know what you should start doing shopping to," She said and Jia laugh. "Don't be silly, I don't even know the gender and it still 5 months left for me to give the birth so I have lots of time," Jia said as they both walk inside the baby shop. She look around, there is lots of stuff for baby and she really hope to have her baby out so she can buy for it too.

They both continue shopping while taking randomly. Her friends never left her alone. Aera always tag along with her because they afraid of her being hurt. Taehyung being really possessive for his little sister. Meanwhile Jimin try to company her, they both had lunch together, sometime dinner to.

Jia used to have everyone around and frankly she didn't feel bother, but she feel glad to her friends to have them in her back. She don't have to ask them to stay they eventually stay with her.

She felt lonely and sometime betray, but she is glad that it didn't go far, there is still a hope left into her but it just seems to broke anytime. She shrugg off all the thought. She about to say something to Aera but her eyes fell on the person which she don't want to see.


He is here, with a baby in her arm. He swing her as she stop crying. Her heart clutch when she saw her with them. 'He is here with her and his baby' She thought. Jungkook didn't notice her maybe because he is too busy with her.

Aera look at her sudden change. She look towards where Jia is looking and her eyes widen. Aera hold her hand and Jia look towards her before smiling. "I think this is the best for our Taera," Jia said showing small pink dress in her hand trying to forget about what she saw.

"Are you okay?" Aera asked. Jia smile and nodded her head. "Ofcourse I am," She said and turn around to face otherside. She want to run away from there but why? Why she want to run? Maybe she don't want to face her, maybe she don't want her last hope to break like this, maybe because she don't want to break her trust, maybe just maybe she still want to remain her believe on him.

But does he care? Does he care to remain the trust? Does he really going to do he told her? Is really a plan exist? Every negative and positive though clouded her mind. She feels nothing just a blankness.

She shook her head and look towards Aera who seems to read her mind. Although she want to make her believe that she is alright but nothing seems to go right. Aera knew everything so there is nothing to hide from her.

She knows everything from the starting, she knows about his plan and she even warns her but Jia is blindly in love and trust him without thinking. People said making a trust is harder them making them fall in love but in her case, its easy for Jungkook to done both.

Is she fool or he just too clever? But for her, she didn't regret it, she knows that everything happen is always a fate and destiny, she believe everything has already decided, their is nothing she can change but she really want to change her feeling for him but the question is, Her love and heart is easy for her to change?

She caress her tummy and glance at Jungkook side but he was not there. She look around and didn't found him. She let out a sigh and walk towards Aera who already on the counter ready to pay. She stop her track when she found Eunhi and Jungkook there also.

Jungkook look side as his eyes found her eyes. The guilty and pain start building as he look towards her. Eunhi smirk and hold his hand in her when she saw Jia walking towards them.

"How are you Jia?" She asked. Jia look towards the baby in his hand. She smile and look towards Eunhi. "I am really good," Jia said ignoring Jungkook fully. Aera hold her hand and about to drag her out but Eunhi stop Aera.

"Me and Jungkook going to marry this week, I hope you will attend it," She said, Jia look at Jungkook whose eyes didn't left hers. She trying to find Answer of her question but he stay blank. Is he really going to marry her?

"I want you to become My Bride Maid Jia," She said and walk towards her. Her eyes fell on the ring she is wearing. She smirk and hold Jia hand taking Jia off guard.

"You wasn't supposed to have this ring from the first day Jia," She said and take off her ring, making jungkook and Aera eyes widen. "Don't you remember what you said months ago to me?" She asked and Jia just stood silently looking at her and wanting her to continue her words.

"What mine will remain mine, even after the despite changes and situation and you know what You Are Right, ICE."


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