Chapter 6

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Lawrence's P.O.V.

UGH, So annoying! Okay, let me tell you why..

-Flashback- (AN: From the end of the 5th Chapter)

"N-no.." I replied while blushing profusely.

"MYGAWSH! He's blushing." Lyanna said as she pointed at my pink cheeks. "My awesome powers tell me that he's gonna confess something soon."

"Hime, you like Chanille?!" Dei asked, shocked

"Uhh, can I just secretly write it in a paper so only you guys can know?" I asked them.

"WHYYYYYYYY?!" Andrei asked while pleading to baka-cow.

"Cuz." Lyanna said.

Dei gave me a sheet of bondpaper and I wrote nervously my stupid answer..


They shockly gasped.

"Lyanna, do you know what this means?" Dei asked the Awesomeness Queen.

"I HAVE AMAZING POWERS!!" Lyanna did a fist pump.

"No, well yes! But not that, I meant that we were right all along." said Dei while doing a z-snap in my face.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Andrei asked curiously.

-Flashback end-

Chanille's P.O.V.

I'm so bored! The pilot announced that we have 4 more hours till we get to Philippines and I don't have the slightest idea what to do!

Mom can't  stay still. "Chan, are you okay?" She asked while running my shoulder.

"Yeah, mom. I'm fine.." I obviously lied while avoiding her eyes,

"I can tell your lying, what's going on?"asked mom as she moved my messy hair away from my eyes.

"It's just, I miss my friends and it's so boring in this plane." I confessed.


Lawrence's P.O.V.

I wonder how Chan's doing.. I miss her.. For once,I'm caring for her.. I'M GOING CRAZY or I'm liking her!!

"Hmm, I'll just ask my friends for advice."

Who's online? Oh here, Earl's online.

"Earl, can I ask for advice?" I typed and clicked send. "I really need one."

"Sure." He replied. "What kind of advice?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Someone typed..DEI?!

"Dei, how come your included in our chat?!" I gasped.

"Cuz' your chatting in our group chat, baka." She explained and did an online facepalm.


Lyanna's P.O.V.

Hashtag The Big Reveal! I can't believe JL has feelings for Chan,I'M SO HAPPY!

Still though, why would he miss her only now, why didn't he tell us he liked her before she left? #LawrenceIsSoBaka .

Chan's P.O.V.

YAY! Only an hour left. Still, I'M SO BORED!


Oh hey,a facebook message:


Lawrence: Hi.

Chanille: HELLO :D

Dei: Chanille, your hime misses you.

Chanille: Doesn't hime mean princess?

Lyanna: IKR.

Lawrence: That's the point.


Lawrence: Screw you girls.

--The Next Day/MAPEH time--

"Class,today we're going to have a short quiz about Music." Our teacher,Ma'am Recel said as she got a paper from her bag.

"Ma'am, open notes?" I asked while reaching to my bag,

"Yes, wait, why does Lawrence seem sad?" Ma'am asked as she comes closer.

"Ma'am, he misses Chanille!" Lyanna, who was sitting beside Lawrence,shouted out of her fangurl feels.

"YIEEEEE!!!!" Fangurled/fanboyed our classmates.

"Okay,okay. But for now,get one-fourth sheet of paper." Ma'am said as she gave baka-cow that type of smile that says 'Lawrence ahh, tsk tsk, why did you let go of her.' sarcastically.

Lawrence's P.O.V.

--Supposedly English time(free time cause it was after cantata practice)--

Okay, time to write assignments.

(AN: Imagine half of our class are singing/playing guitar and the other half below the white board,sitting down)

"Die, Lawrence, die!" Earl said while throwing empty water bottles at me.

I dodged it but unfortunately, it hit Bob.

"Stop it, Earl!" I said as I also threw back some bottles to him while hiding behind a chair.

"WHO CARES?!" Earl said and continued to throw empty water bottles at me.

"I want to join too!" Dei said while she picked up bottles and started shooting it to me.

Then, Dwyne, Lyanna, Julia, Bob, Adrian, Jurgen and Tamaray joined decided to join too. Only, they hit effortlessly each other.



Author's Note

HI PEOPLE WHO'S READING THE FAN FIC!!!!! I hope you enjoyed chapter 6. I'm sorry if it 's boring,though. Anyways,That MAPEH time moment,It's true except I don't remember EXACTLY what happened and during that time,Chanille was just absent but the next day,She attended school :P . Okay,See you all in chapter 7!

P.S.: That English time moment was true and thanks to Earl for telling me what happened when I still wasn't joining. Plus Ma'am Recel's part ;)

~Lyanna 12/19/14

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