The Red String

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Puck woke up and saw that there was a red string attached to his pointer finger. I see Grimm decided to prank me, he thought. He tried to pull it off, but to no avail. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. He put on his green hoodie, a pair of ripped jeans, and some dirty white sneakers, then walked out into the hallway. That stupid string was still attached to his finger. Daphne and Red skipped by.
"Hey, Marshmallow! Do you know why Grimm did this to me?" Puck called and raised his finger. Daphned turned and looked at him confusedly.
"Did what?" Daphne scanned him, looking for something out of the ordinary.
"This! Do you not see this?" Puck shook his finger in her face.
"See what?" Red shoved his finger away.
"THE STRING!" Puck shouted.
"WHAT STRING?" The girls shouted back. Puck screamed in frustration and the girls walked off, whispering to eachother.
"What are you screaming about?" Henry stepped out of his room.
Puck raised his finger. "This."
Henry squinted. "There's nothi- you know what, I don't want to know. Carry on, but shut up." He slammed the door in Puck's face. The fairy sighed and walked downstairs. He poured himsef a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table.
"What were you screaming about this time, Goodfellow?" Pinnochio handed him a glass of orange juice.
"This stupid red string on my finger." Puck complained, holding his hand up so Pinocchio could see.
"Puck, for the last time, there's nothing there!" Daphne exclaimed in frustration.
"How much sleep did you get last night?" Red closed the fridge door. "I think you're seeing things."
"I'm not seeing things!" Puck threw his spoon across the table, knocking Daphne's toast out of her hand. She glared at him.
"Are you sure?" Pinnochio raised an eyebrow.
"Uh, yeah I'm sure!" Puck said.
"If you say so..." Daphne sipped her juice.
All throughout the morning, Puck tried but still couldn't manage to get the string off of his finger. It also made him look insane trying to take it off because apparently nobody else could see it. But he also felt weird about it. Like it was pulling him somewhere. Which was probably true, because you can't have an infinite amount of string, it has to end somewhere.
"Are you sure you're sure that you're not seeing things?" Daphne asked Puck as he braided her hair.
"Yes, I'm sure I'm sure. I wouldn't be freaking out if I wasn't 100% sure." Puck replied.
"I freaked out over stuff I wasn't 100% sure about." Red said. "Although, I wasn't 100% sane either."
"Maybe you're going insane." Pinnochio offered, looking at Puck.
"I don't think so." Red said. "We'd be able to tell if he was insane."
"I think Sabrina's slowly going insane." Daphned laughed. Puck had almost forgotten she lived there. He hadn't seen her in a few days.
"Speaking of Grimm, where is she?" His face lit up.
"She's sleeping. Probably stayed up really late again." Pinnochio told him.
"Why do you ask?" Daphne tried to be nonchalant. Puck tied off the first braid.
"Nunya business," he said, ruffling her hair.
"What's none of her business?" Jake stuck his head in from the kitchen.
"Why he wants to know where Sa-" Puck covered Daphne's mouth with her braid.
"Shut it or you'll be doing your own hair from now on," he said. "Hey, Jake," he changed the subject.
"There's this stupid string attached to my finger. Can you get it off?" Puck said, batting his eyelashes and hoping that if he looked innocent enough Jake would help him.
Jake raised an eyebrow. "And what colour is this string?"
"Uh, red. Why?" Puck said. Jake smirked and strolled back into the kitchen. Just then, Sabrina stomped down the stairs.
"Who the heck tied this string on my finger?! I've been trying to pull it off for almost an hour!" She shouted. Puck looked at the string on the floor. It went from his finger, all the way to Sabrina's.
"Puck what did you do?" she shouted when she noticed the other end attached to his finger.
"What did I do?! I didn't do anything!" Puck defended himself.
"Well, I know I didn't do this!" Sabrina retaliated.
"Lieblings, stop shouting." Relda walked in from the kitchen. "What are they bickering about this time?" She turned to Daphne, Red, and Pinnochio.
"Apparently there's a red string attached to their fingers - or something like that." Daphne said, combing the un-braided part of her hair. Relda's eyebrows looked like they were trying to leave her face.
"I see."
"Well, what is it?" Sabrina demanded. She crossed her arms and the look on her face reminded Puck of an angry chipmunk.
"It's a soulmate string, liebling." Relda simply smiled, knowing what she had just done.
"WHAT?" Sabrina and Puck cried in unison.
"Then how do we take it off?" Puck asked desperately. Relda shook her head.
"You can't. The string brings somebody to their soulmate, and once they accept that they love eachother the string goes away," she walked back into the kitchen like nothing had happened at all.
"Have fun living with a string attached to your finger for eternity." Sabrina sneered at Puck. She stomped back to her room and slammed the door behind her. For some reason, that really hit Puck. Hit him like a train. It hit him like a train hits that poor little animal on the train tracks.
For the next couple weeks, Puck had to deal with the string. One day he came down for dinner, but he really wasn't that hungry. He noticed the string leading out under the front door.
"I'm going out. Just need some fresh air." Puck called as he opened the door. Sabrina was sitting on the edge of the driveway, watching the sun go down.
"Hey," Puck said as he sat next to her. She half smiled back. They looked out at the sunset for a while.
"I'm sorry," Sabrina said out of the blue.
"What for?" Puck turned to her.
"For saying that this string'll be here forever. I saw your reaction," she frowned.
"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm fine." Puck assured her.
"Puck, don't lie, I know I hurt you." Sabrina hugged him. "I was wrong to reject you." She kissed him on the cheek. "I... love you, Goodfellow."
"I love you too, Grimm."
The string disappeared and Sabrina gave Puck an adorable dorky smile.

"I'M SENDING THIS TO EVERYONE I KNOW!" Daphne yelled from behind them, holding her iPad.
"DAPHNE, NO!" Sabrina shouted, chasing her little sister back into the house.
God, I love this family, Puck thought as he stood up and followed the sisters back inside.

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