Sleeping Beauty

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Valentine's Day was approaching, and since it was 8th grade, everyone was teasing eachother about their crushes and coming up with detailed plans on how they'd admit their feelings for eachother. Sabrina sort of wanted to talk to the other girls about their crushes, but she couldn't.
Ever since the Grimms found out that there was a group of people - a very dangerous group of people - targeting her, they appointed Puck as her body guard. And Puck, being the sexist 4,000 year old that he was, was convinced that Sabrina needed and wanted his protection. Sabrina denied his claims and begged her grandmother to revoke his position as body guard, but Relda wasn't going to be persuaded.
The only alone time Sabrina had was when she was in the bathroom, changing, or sleeping. She couldn't even hang out in her room without Puck insisting that she'd be attacked if he wasn't there. Everyone in the house agreed that she need to be protected, but nobody questioned why it was only her being targeted.
Home was torturous enough, but school was a whole other story. Puck was the most popular kid in school, all of the kids admired him. And Sabrina, well, let's just say she wasn't a fan of being shoved aside by girls so they could talk to Puck. She didn't understand how they were so attracted to him.
What's so special about him anyway? Yeah, he's a good kisser, but who cares about that? She thought as she got elbowed in the side and then tripped. Sabrina fell onto the ground with a thud and everyone stopped to stare at her. Nobody spoke as she got to her knees and collected her books. Puck held out his hand, but Sabrina scowled at him and stood up on her own. The group of students remained silent as Puck awkwardly put his hand back in his pocket.
Sabrina's heart was racing as a group of kids all stared at her, some of them holding in snickers. She started hyperventilating and finally managed to get her feet to move, rushing down the hall towards her next class. Puck chased after her, but was quickly stopped by a teacher.
"Mr. Goodfellow, this is the third time today I've had to ask you to stop running. Do I need to call your father?"
Puck laughed and the teacher impatiently tapped his foot on the tile floor.
"I'm sure he'll have a lot to say abou-"
"He'll have a lot to say when corpses talk." Puck said jokingly, rendering everyone around him speechless. He waited for the teacher to respond, but they didn't. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find someone." Puck said, turning the corner and running into someone, almost knocking them over.
Sabrina toppled backwards but managed to catch herself before she fell. Puck froze.
"D-did you hear all that?"
She nodded and he sighed.
Later that day, in social studies, Sabrina felt awful. Her head was pounding, her ears ringing, and she could barely keep her eyes open. Eventually, she dozed off with her head down on her desk and her arms crossed around them.
The teacher noticed and chuckled. "Heh, someone better wake the sleeping beauty," he said jokingly. The class turned around to Sabrina.
"I got this," Puck said. He turned her head to the side and planted a kiss on her lips. Everyone gasped like he'd just chopped her head off.

  Sabrina's eyes shot open and felt Puck's lips pressed against hers. The worst part is, she liked it, and wanted to kiss back. But stubbornness took over her and she pulled away.
Puck shot her a smirk as the class laughed. Blinded with rage, confusion, and embarrassment, Sabrina slapped Puck across the face with the back of her hand and stormed out.

"You're lucky you're not on your way to a dentist, you little prick!"
Puck put a hand to his face where she had slapped him and smiled gently. "She remembered."

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