Just For Tonight

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The war had just ended, the humans had returned to their homes in Ferryport Landing, and life was good for a month. Until a serial killer escaped from the next town over and started terrorizing Ferryport Landing. For seven days they ran around, killing people in the dead of night. There had been seven murders so far, and nobody had the slightest clue on who it was.
Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck had been locked in the girls' room since day one; only allowed out to use the bathroom and change their clothes. The adults wanted to protect them in case the killer somehow got into the house. At first Puck was hesitant about the idea of being locked in a room with two girls until the killer was caught, but after hearing the gunshots in the distance one night, he quickly changed his mind.
"This cold hardwood floor is so comfortable," he said sarcastically, laying down where he had been sleeping. "You guys are missing out."
"We've been offering you a spot on the bed, but you keep saying no." Daphne said, crossing her arms.
"Uh, you mean that you've been offering him a spot on the bed. I, however, am much happier with him on the floor." Sabrina corrected her.
"Well, if you're happier with me on the floor," Puck said, standing up. "I guess I'll have to start taking Marshmallow up on her offer." His smirk made Sabrina want to either smile or puke - she couldn't decide.
"Forget it, fairy boy," the blonde girl said, rolling her eyes. "You're staying on the floor."
"Grimm, please, have some empathy! I'm going to freeze if I sleep on that floor tonight! It's 14 frickin degrees outside!" Puck said dramatically, emphasizing his point by gesturing out the window to the howling winds and freezing rain falling from the sky.
Sabrina looked at him, then looked back at Daphne. They were both giving her puppy dog eyes. She sighed and looked over at Puck. "Fine - but just for tonight."
"What if it's cold tomorrow night too?"
"Don't push your luck."
Puck smiled and curled up at the foot of the bed like a dog, which was nice for Sabrina because his head was within perfect kicking distance from her foot.
Daphne draped a knitted blanket over Puck, pushed his hair away from his face, and kissed his forehead.
"Ew," Puck teased. Daphne pushed his hair into his eyes. They both chuckled and Sabrina rolled over onto her side, placing a pillow over her head. She barely slept all week due to Puck's snoring.

Sabrina awoke to something nudging her foot. She sat up and saw Puck laying on his stomach, prodding her ankle with his sword. He looked over at her.
"Oh, you're awake."
Sabrina frowned. "Well, I am now."
Silence fell as the two had a staring contest that lasted almost a minute. Puck looked away first.
"What are you doing awake anyway?" Sabrina asked as the fairy looked around the room. "It's past midnight."
Puck paused like he was contemplating on whether to answer truthfully or not. "The, uhm..." he trailed off. "... gunshots woke me up."
Sabrina almost wanted to feel bad for the boy, then she saw the mark on the left side of his neck, and started to actually feel bad. It almost looked like a bullet wound, but that would be impossible. Even Everafters couldn't survive getting shot in the neck, right?
Sabrina moved around so she was laying on her stomach, her face a few inches from Puck's. The fairy didn't seem to notice, he was too busy looking around the room.
"Hey," Sabrina said softly. Puck's head snapped forward and their eyes met. He quickly tried to cover the mark, knowing Sabrina had already seen it. "What happened?" she asked, knowing that he knew that she knew. Puck paused again and sighed.
"World War 1 wasn't the best time for me," he said quietly, almost like he didn't want her to hear. Then his expression changed to a proud smile. "But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm still here."
"Good thing, too," Sabrina said. "If you had died in the War, who would be around to make my life miserable?"
"Eh, I bet another boy at school could manage that." Puck shrugged. "Not as well as me, though. I'm a bit of an expert," he flashed Sabrina a smirk and she rolled her eyes.
"Are you cold? You look cold," she said, knowing that Puck was definitely freezing. The blanket was very thin and had holes in it.
"It's a little chilly, but I'm good." Puck replied, but Sabrina heard the slight chattering of his teeth.
"Come here," she said, nodding towards the space between her and a sleeping Daphne. "I don't want to explain to Granny why you died of hypothermia."
"Cute excuse," Puck smirked and laid down between the girls. He looked to Sabrina, still smirking. "But you'll have to try better than that."
"Oh, shut up." Sabrina covered his head with a pillow. "It's just for tonight. Tomorrow you'll be back to sleeping on the floor."
"Alright, fine," Puck said, but didn't believe her. Sabrina rolled over so her back was facing him and Puck tried cuddling up to her.
"Don't push it," she snapped.

When Sabrina woke up later that morning, she found herself cuddling up next to Puck. Daphne was still sound asleep and snoring like a bulldozer.
"Oh, how the tables have turned," the fairy smirked. Sabrina scooted away from him, then realized how cold it was, and scooted to his side again.
"Crawling back to me already?" Puck smirked. Sabrina rolled her eyes.
"Don't get all full of yourself, it was just for last night."
But we all know it wasn't just for that night, now was it?

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