Business Parties pt.2

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After winter break, most people were devastated that school was starting again. But Sabrina was rather excited. She was mostly excited to leave her lonely room in the lonely mansion, but she was also excited to see Puck.

She had been thinking about that night all throughout the break and didn't want to ask her parents if they could ask his father for his number, because one: that would be super embarrassing, and two: Henry had a strict no boys rule until she graduated. Little did he know that she was bisexual, so she had a loophole with his rule.

Sabrina exited her Lamborghini, thanked her personal driver, and walked into the court where the kids hung around before the bell rang. She looked around for Puck, but didn't see him. Then the bell rang.

Guess I'll have to wait until gym, she thought, shoving her way into the building. She didn't have any other classes with the boy, which was surprising considering there were less than one hundred kids per grade.

During lunch Sabrina sat on a bench in the main hallway where most kids went if they weren't in the cafeteria or going to the Blue Plate Special down the street for food.

She didn't have a lunch yet again, which she didn't really mind, because she knew when she returned home from basketball practice there would be a feast fit for a king at the dinner table. Their chefs always made a ton of food, which was usually scarfed down by Daphne and Basil. The little redhead had inherited his sister's abnormally large appetite.

As she was scrolling through Tumblr, she felt somebody sit down next to her. Sabrina looked over and saw none other than Puck.

"Hey," he said. Sabrina grinned nervously and stuffed her phone into her pocket.

"H-hey," she blushed, awkwardly crossing her arms. A group of girls standing across the hall watched in jealously.

"How've you been?" Puck asked, his smile beaming with joy. "It's been a little while."

"Y-yeah, it has." Sabrina said, mentally face palming for stuttering so much. "I've been alright. Scarlett stole my spot as 3rd favourite."

Puck frowned. "You're down to fourth again?"

Sabrina shook her head. "Fifth. Mom doesn't like that I joined the basketball team and Dad doesn't like that I'm a GSA leader. I need to stop telling Daphne everything, she's such a snitch."

"Eh, at least your parents are better than mine." Puck said. "My dad spells my name P-H-U-C-K and then pretends it was an accident."

Sabrina laughed, but stopped once Puck shot her a dirty look. "I mean...h-how awful that must make you feel." Awkward silence fell and Sabrina contemplated getting up and walking away.

"Can I, uh, get your number?" Puck asked suddenly. Sabrina blushed and her heart went up to a million miles an hour. Somebody from across the hall called Puck over. He handed Sabrina his phone and stood up.

"You can put it in while I go talk to Dean, I'll be right back," he said before swiftly walking off.

"O-okay," Sabrina responded even though he was already out of earshot. She added her contact into his phone when it buzzed. His father had texted him. In an attempt to swipe away the notification, Sabrina accidentally ended up clicking on it. It send her to Puck and Oberon's conversation.

The message he had sent read: "Get close enough that she trusts you but not close enough that you fall for her. We don't what happened with Joey and Claire to happen to you. Not that I'm not happy for them, but he did fail his assignment."

Now, usually if Sabrina had somebody's phone and they had received a text, she would've left it alone like any normal person would. But the message seemed too shady to have any deductable meaning, and her curiousity only grew the more she looked at it.

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