Not Your Girlfriend pt.1

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"Bella, this is a disaster." Sabrina said, putting her head in her hands. "Why didn't I do something sooner?"

"Because you were young and refused to accept your feelings for him and now that you finally have it's already too late and he's moved on?" the frog girl offered. Sabrina groaned and plopped down on her bed. Bella cringed. "Sorry. But you did ask."

"I just don't know why he went for her." Sabrina huffed, crossing her arms.

"You don't know why he went for one of the smartest and nicest and prettiest girls in the whole school?" Bella said, sitting down next to her friend. She patted Sabrina's shoulder and shook her head.

Sabrina groaned again slumped onto the floor. She was too busy moping to hear her bedroom door open. "I don't know what I'm gonna do, Bella. I mean, I just like him so much that it drives me crazy and I can't do anything about it. It's torture."

"Well, hopefully he doesn't drive you crazier than I do. That would be tragic - for you, of course. I'm sure he'd be having a great time."

Sabrina whipped around and saw none other than Puck standing in the doorway. She panicked as she scrambled to her feet and fixed her hair as best she could. Bella sighed and shook her head when she saw how red Sabrina's face was.

"Who is this guy, anyway?" Puck asked. Sabrina hoped he was actually being oblivious and wasn't just saying that to cover up the fact that he new about her giant crush on him. "Oooh, is it Kurt from bio? I bet it is. I see the way he looks at you." Puck teasingly poked her in the arm, making Sabrina's heart go into panic mode. The blonde shoved him away from her.

"No, it's not Kurt," she crossed her arms. "And even if it was, the last person I'd tell would be you." She hoped her face was done blushing, but knowing her luck she was probably as red as a tomato at that point. Puck gave her a look that said oh really? and he winked at her on his way out. Sabrina thought she was going to faint.

"That went..." Bella said, standing up and closing the door. "Well, it went. That's for sure," she turned to Sabrina, who was frozen in place. "You doing okay, doll? Do you need to slap you back to reality?"

"He...he winked at me." Sabrina whispered. Bella shook her head.

"Girl, you are hopeless."

The next three weeks at school were not easy for Sabrina. Especially since she had to watch Puck and his girlfriend do everything together. Like, we get it, you're a couple! You don't have to shove it in everyone's faces that you're so hapy together!

"Yikes, that is a lot of angry scribbling you got going on there, Grimm." Puck said, looking over at her paper. She had been pressing her pencil so hard into the paper the graphite had nearly torn right through it. Sabrina let her pencil fall from her hand and she took a couple deep breaths.

"Is this about Kurt and-"

"It's not about Kurt!" Sabrina nearly shouted, snapping her pencil in two with one hand. Puck's eyes widened as she did it again and angrily shoved the broken pieces into her bag. "It's never been about Kurt."

"Then who is it about?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, fairy boy?" Sabrina said mockingly, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Th bell rang, so she stood up and got out of there as fast as she could.

Fortunately, that day was the last day of school before Christmas break, so she wouldn't have to see Puck and his girlfriend together for another two weeks. Unfortunately, she had to make it through two weeks of Puck and his pranks. But little did she know, his pranks would be the least of her worries.

It was Christmas Eve night and most of the family had gone up to bed, but Sabrina and Puck stayed downstairs to finish the movie they had been watching. It was close to midnight when the movie ended and the two of them made their way over to the stairs. All of a sudden, Puck grabbed Sabrina's wrist and stopped her from going up the stairs. The blonde looked over to him and his hand trailed down to hers.

"Mistletoe," he smirked, nodding towards the ceiling. Sabrina looked up and, sure enough, there was mistletoe attached to the ceiling. Her heart got all fluttery and one part of her wanted to kiss him, but the other part of her wanted to slap him across the face for being a skeeze. Had he really forgotten all about Angie just like that?

When Sabrina had grasped what was happening, Puck was pulling her closer and his lips were puckered. She placed a finger to his lips and stepped back.

"Puck, we can't. You know that." It broke her heart to say it, but she had to. Besides, she wasn't going to be anybody's side chick.

"Wait, what?" Puck said. "Why?"

"Do I look like Angie to you?" Sabrina snapped, gesturing towards herself. "I'm not your girlfriend, Puck!" She turned and stormed off upstairs, disgusted that he'd even think of doing that to someone. Angie was sweet and kind and loving, and she didn't deserve him. She deserved better.

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