Business Parties pt.3

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The girls went over to Sabrina's house on the afternoon of the party, which gave them three hours to get Sabrina ready before they would have to go home. She just sat down in front of the vanity, letting Cherry do her hair and makeup while Penelope and Emma looked around her closet.
"What colour is the dress?"
"It's a crimson red pantsuit with a white button up. Is that okay?"
"YES, perfect."
"Do I get a say in what I wear?"
After a few hours, the girls had to leave. And an hour after that, the party had started. Before going downstairs, Sabrina looked at herself in the mirror.
Her makeup was on point, her outfit was amazing, her shoes were both cute and comfortable - she had always dreamed of looking that pretty. But one thing was missing.
Sabrina rummaged around in her jewelry box before pulling out a plain black choker. She put it on and looked in the mirror. Perfect.  And she walked out the door. Daphne exited her room at the same time and looked up at the older girl in amazement.
"Wow," she whispered. "Are you wearing that for your boyfriend?"
"I don't have a boyfriend, Daphne," Sabrina chuckled. "And even if I did, I'm wearing this for myself - and I want you to do that too. Dress up for yourself, not guys."
"What if I want to dress up for girls?" Daphne asked. Sabrina kneeled down so her and Daphne were at eyesight.
"Just don't tell Dad," she said. "It's safer that way."
Then she walked down the stairs and into the ballroom. Her parents introduced her to a new rich family and their son, Nick. Then the parents left the two kids alone.
Sabrina could tell from his outfit and hair that he definitely wasn't straight, and he could probably tell from her appearance that she wasn't either.
"I think we're nothing thinking the same thing," Nick said. Sabrina nodded.
"I think we're thinking the same thing too," she said. Then she spotted Puck from across the room. He was looking twice as good as he usually did. Maybe it was the suit. Nick looked across the room and then back at Sabrina.
"Really, you're staring at that goon? Girl."
"I'm not staring at him," Sabrina defended herself. "Okay, I am - but it's a vengeance stare."
Obviously Nick was intrigued, so Sabrina told him the story, leaving out the part about his father's plans.
"So he was just leading you on and bragged to his family about it?" Nick sneered.
"Basically." Sabrina shrugged. "That was months ago when I still wore sweatpants."
After a few minutes, Nick went off to talk to a guy, leaving Sabrina all alone. She made her way back to the corner to avoid Bradley yet again. And yet again, a certain blond walked over to her.
"Oh, here's your nose back," Sabrina said, handing him the note he had passed to her in class the other day. "I found it in my business."
"Okay, I do deserve that." Puck said. "But if you'll let me explain-"
"Explain what? Explain your reasoning for leading me on?" Sabrina interrupted him. She crossed her arms at Puck's silence.
"For the last damn time, I wasn't leading you on!" he exclaimed. "I like you, that's why I agreed to do it!"
Sabrina froze. Could he really be telling the truth, even after he had lied to her? She exhaled and looked down at the ground.
"I just need some time to calm down," she whispered. Puck frowned.
"You've had months, were those not enough?" he took Sabrina's hand in his and kissed it when she didn't reply.
"I'm sorry," he whispered before sauntering away. Sabrina felt like she might start crying.

The next day at school, instead of going over to the girls, Sabrina looked around for Puck. When she found him, he was talking with his friends. Sabrina lightly tapped his shoulder, causing the entire group to go quiet and look at her.
"What?" Puck asked. Sabrina took a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolded it. It was the note Puck had handed her the previous week.
Puck took the note in his hands and saw that under his messy "Hi", "Hey" was written in Sabrina's neat handwriting. He looked up from the note and saw that Sabrina had walked away. He looked around, but she wasn't there.
He smiled to himself, folded the note, and gently put it back in his pocket. "Hey," he whispered.

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