Puck's Sister

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"Did you hear the news?" A disappointed eleven year old Puck asked his nine year old brother Mustardseed. His younger brother raised an eyebrow.
"Hear what news? What happened?" The young fairy stood up from his seat. Puck bit his lip in anger.
"Father is forcing me to marry Moth."
Mustardseed's heart sunk.
"W-well, are you going to?" he asked his big brother. Puck scoffed.
"Of course not, why would anyone ever like that freak?" he sneered. Mustardseed nodded in agreement, but he still looked sad. Puck kneeled down so they were at eye level and placed a hand on his younger brother's shoulder.
"Just remember, Mustardseed, I'll always love you the most. No matter what," he smiled. The little boy swallowed a lump in his throat.
"Do you promise?"
"I promise." Puck ruffled his brother's hair.

●  ●  ●

"I can't believe I'm finally going home." Four thousand year old Puck beamed. Jake smiled slightly.

"Well, we'll only be there for a few days, then it's off to the Amazon," he told the fairy and continued driving down the road.
"I know, but you can do so much in a few days." Puck said, still grinning widely. Jake parked on the side of the road and the two of them walked into Central Park, up to the statue, and told it a knock knock joke. Puck took one step into Faerie and unfurled his wings, then flew straight towards the castle. The guards let him through, but stopped Jake from taking another step.
"He's with me, boys." Puck told them. The guards stepped aside to let Jake pass, whispering to eachother in old English.
"Mother!" Puck exclaimed, jumping into his mother's arms.
"Puck, it's so good to see you again!" Titania hugged her son tightly.
"Where's Mustardseed?" Puck asked, smiling brightly.
"He's in his room, you go on and see him while I talk to Jake." Titania replied. Puck nodded and flew off to his little brother's room.
"Mustardseed!" Puck smiled, throwing the door open. He saw his younger brother sitting in bed, head in his hands, muttering something.
"Puck?" Mustardseed put his head up. His eyes were pink and puffy, almost like he was crying. Puck jumped into his brother's arms, who flinched a bit, but quickly returned his older brother's hug.
"Wanna go climb the giant oak tree like old times?" Puck asked.
"Uh, sorry, bud. My dysphoria's pretty bad today, I'm just gonna stay in bed." Mustardseed replied, smiling sheepishly. Then him and Puck froze. They stared at eachother silently for at least thirty seconds.
"Y-your...what now?" Puck said quietly. Mustardseed sighed.
"Dysphoria," he mumbled. Puck's jaw dropped. Tears started welling up in Mustardseed's eyes. "I know what you're gonna say, and I'm sorry, but-"
Puck interrupted Mustardseed with a hug. Mustardseed's eyes widened in shock. "Remember what I promised, I'll always love you most. No matter what." Puck smiled, tearing up. Mustardseed was overwhelmed with joy. She hugged her brother tightly and they both sat there silently for what seemed like forever.

●  ●  ●

Puck stood at the altar, his heart pounding. After what felt like a million years, he was finally getting to marry the love of his life. He looked out into the first row of people and saw his mother, Titania, and his younger sister, Marigold. She was wearing a flowy yellow dress, like something her mother would've worn. She smiled sweetly at Puck, who shot her a nervous grin.
Then Sabrina walked down the aisle, and the room went silent. She smiled at her soon-to-be sister-in-law as she passed, and took her spot at the altar.

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