Science Project

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Puck slipped the elixir into the bowl of oatmeal while nobody was looking, then returned to his spot at the table and leaned back in his chair.
This has gotta be one of my best pranks yet, he thought, trying not to snicker. He hadn't pranked Sabrina since the war, and even though that was only six months ago, it was six months too long. The fairy needed to let Sabrina know that he still valued their rivalry as much as he used to.
The Grimms sat down and everybody started talking, eating, and Puck kicked Pinocchio's leg underneath the table. Sabrina swallowed her first spoonful of oatmeal and a confused expression popped up on her face. Puck hid his smirk and Sabrina turned to her grandmother.
"Granny, you didn't put anything... weird in this oatmeal, did you?" the blonde asked.
"Why, no, I don't believe I did. Why, liebling, does it taste weird?" Relda asked. Sabrina was about to respond, but she felt some sort of bile rising in her throat. She covered her mouth, thinking she was going to vomit, but what she was about to do was oh so much worse.
Sabrina's body started to go through a terrifying transformation. She started to shrink down to the size of a penny. Her spoon dropped onto her chair and fell to the ground. Everybody watched in shock as a type of cocoon started to form itself around her, like she was inside of a sleeping bag with the top zipped all the way up.
"Alright." Henry stood up and slammed his hands down on the table, startling Red and Daphne. The man glared at Puck sitting on the other side of the table. "What did you do to her?!"
Puck smirked proudly, which only made Henry scowl even more. "Well, if you must know, I-"
"Turned me into a bug!"
Everybody looked to Sabrina's chair. The cocoon had hatched and sitting on it was a large wasp. The bug flew up from her sitting place and buzzed right next to Puck's face.
"You dirty little fairy, I'll get you for this!" she cried, sounding surprisingly normal. She would've expected to have a high pitched voice like a mouse.
"At least you're a wasp," Daphne said, trying to lighten the mood. "Be grateful he didn't turn you into a maggot."
"Yeah, Grimm." Puck crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, smirking. "Be grateful."
Everybody cleaned up their breakfast pretty quickly after that. Sabrina was following Puck around, buzzing very closely to his ear. It really bothered the fairy, but he pretended not to care. After all, Sabrina was stuck as a wasp until somebody found an antidote. And they wouldn't be finding one for a while.
"Alright, lieblings, off to school you go." Relda said, handing everybody their bags. "Except you, Sabrina. We're going to find you an antidote."
For the rest of the day, Sabrina drank odd liquid after odd liquid. Ate weird fruit after weird fruit. Chewed on disgusting pill after disgusting pill. But nothing seemed to work. Clearly whatever Puck put in her oatmeal was made to last - and Sabrina was not happy about that.
When the fairy returned, Sabrina promptly stuck her stinger into the pointy part of his ear. He jumped back in shock and she snickered.
"Uhm, OW!" Puck cried. "What was that for?"
"For turning me into a stupid bug, you idiot!" Sabrina huffed. If she could cross her little wasp arms, she would. And she sure wanted to.
Later at dinner - which Sabrina didn't get any of, might I add - Puck told Jake that for his science project he had to find a bug and take care of it for a week.
"Where are you going to find a bug in the middle of February?" Daphne asked, her mouth full of purple squash and blue mashed potato. Everybody went quiet and turned to Sabrina. Her little wasp self was sitting on a shot glass that was turned upside down.
At first Sabrina was going to refuse, and for obvious reasons. Puck turned her into a wasp and then wanted to use her for his science project? No way! But then again... it would be boring staying home all week.
"Ugh, fine." Sabrina groaned. Puck grinned.
"Thanks, Grimm," he said. "You won't regret this," he added with a wink. A wink that made Sabrina's tiny wasp stomach churn. Her wings even almost started buzzing, but she stopped them.

The next day at school, Puck showed up carrying a rectangular plastic terrarium. Inside of the terrarium was a swallow water dish, a cotton pad, a branch with a few poisonous berries on it, a few bright green leaves, and a very shaken wasp. Literally. Puck had a habit of shaking the container until Sabrina screamed and threatened to sting him again. She deeply regretted agreeing to help him with his stupid science project.
"Woah, dude, where'd you get a wasp?!" Puck's friend, Liam, exclaimed in amazement. His other friends eyed the bug suspiciously. All they had found were house flies or ladybugs if they were lucky.
"Found her on the shower curtain. She wouldn't leave me alone," Puck lied as more people gathered around to admire what Sabrina had become. "I guess even female bugs are attracted to me."
His friends laughed and Sabrina secretly vowed that once she turned back into a person, she'd hit Puck upside the head. Maybe all he needed was some sense smacked into him.
In science class, everybody went around saying what kind of bug they found. Half of the class hadn't even found one yet, and nobody had found anything as cool as a wasp.
"Mr. Goodfellow, I cannot believe you brought a wasp into the school!" the teacher, Mrs. Plum, exclaimed. "What if it stings somebody?"
"Oh, she won't sting, Mrs. Plum." Puck said, giving Sabrina a look that said if she did sting him he'd flush her down the nearest toilet. And he demonstrated just that by taking the lid of off the container and placing Sabrina in the palm of his hand. The class gasped and the kids sitting around Puck scooted away.
She wanted to sting him so bad, but she knew that if she did the teacher would probably squash her underneath her weird old lady shoes. So, Sabrina didn't viciously attack Puck like she wanted to. She walked in a circle around his palm and the class watched in awe. She felt like a circus animal.
"See?" Puck said, looking up at his science teacher. "She's completely harmless as long as you're gentle."
Puck gently stroked Sabrina's back like a cat, which she didn't like one bit. She walked away from his hand and up to his elbow before stopping, hoping that Puck got the point she didn't like being touched.
"Well," Mrs. Plum said, adjusting her glasses and crossing her arms. "I say you've found a very special wasp there, Mr. Goodfellow."
Puck smiled and Mrs. Plum turned back to the board and continued explaining what their homework would be. They were supposed to document the bug for an hour. Write down everything they did. Which meant the kids who didn't have any bugs yet would have to hurry up.
That afternoon, after the bell rang, Puck walked home with Sabrina sitting on his shoulder. She didn't want to get back into the box in fear that he'd shake her up again. The wasp-girl already felt sick enough.
"So, I had to endure all of that," she shouted angrily, "and now I have to hang out with you for an hour so you can document me? Ugh, I wish I never agreed to this."
"Well, it's too late for that." Puck smiled. "You can't back out now."
"Or I could." Sabrina said. "And I will. I'm not going to be apart of your stupid project anymore. You can go find a half-dead spider in the back of Pinocchio's bookshelf to do your work on for all I care!"
"Alright," Puck shrugged, pretending to sound defeated. "I guess that means you don't want the antidote that'll turn you back into a human."
Sabrina sighed. "Alright, fine! I'll help with your stupid project!"

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"And she told me I was being rude. She had the audacity to say I was rude after she literally texted everyone complaining about how much I bully her, even though I barely even talk to her. How do you bully someone you never interact with?!"
"I mean, you can," Puck said, leaning back in his chair. During his and Sabrina's documenting hour, they got to talking. And boy did they have a lot to talk about. "But it's a huge waste of time, I don't recommend it."
Sabrina sighed and rolled her eyes, if that was even possible for a wasp. "Is the hour up yet?"
Puck scribbled flew in a circle on his paper and checked the clock. "Yeah, you can go now... if you want."
"What do you mean if you want?" Sabrina asked.
"Well, I dunno," Puck said. "You seem like you've been holding a lot of stuff in. If you want to keep talking, you can. I don't mind."
Sabrina smiled softly, although you wouldn't be able to tell. She was touched that Puck would even think that about her, and she was surprised that he was being so nice. But him being nice felt, well, nice - so she didn't mind.

The week went on and Sabrina got used to life as a wasp. Well, almost. She still wasn't used to flying. Even though she could do it with no problem, it still felt wrong. She hoped nobody in Puck's science class could tell.
At the end of the week, after everybody's reports about their bugs had been handed in, Mrs. Plum opened one of the windows so everybody could let their bugs outside where they would eventually die of hypothermia and lack of food, but that's not the point.
When Puck opened the plastic container for Sabrina, as he was told to, she didn't move. The cold wind coming from outside made her shiver and she hid underneath the cotton pad.
"Don't worry, Mrs. Plum," Puck said upon seeing his teacher's semi nervous expression. "I'll let her out once I get home."
And so, when he got home, Sabrina exited the terrarium and flew right in front of his face.
"Listen here, buster," she said. "I helped with your project, and now that the project's done, you have to turn me back to normal. Now."
"Okay, Miss Bossypants," Puck rolled his eyes. He leaned over and planted a gentle kiss atop of Sabrina's little wasp head. She felt herself turning back into a human, and then once she was completed back to normal, she realized.
"The spell was broken using True Love's kiss?" she asked. Puck nodded, smiling. Sabrina blushed. There was an awkward silence that ensued where the two gazed into eachother's eyes. Sabrina took a step towards the fairy, placed her hand on his cheek, and Puck rested his head in her hand. And then Sabrina promptly slapped him across the face.

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