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Winter was approaching, and so were the Winter sports. Charming had recently had an arena built and there was already a hockey team, the Ferryport Charmers, and a ringette team, the Crowns. There was also an all female figure skating group named Princesses on Ice.
Daphne was on the Crowns and Puck was on Charmers. Red was going to do figure skating, but backed out of it at the last minute. She'd rather stay home reading with Sabrina and Pinocchio.
Puck stuffed his hockey bag into the trunk of his car and squeezed Daphne's bag next to it. He closed the trunk and headed around for the front, sitting down in the driver's seat. Daphne popped two Tic Tacs into her mouth and placed the container back into the cup holder. They drove down to the arena and Puck followed Daphne into the dressing room.
He helped her tie her skates - and by helped her I mean that he tied her skates while she sat there talking to him about this boy in her class who she hated - and fastened the strap on her helmet. When Daphne went out onto the ice, Puck sat in the stands with another guy who was around his age.
"You here with your younger sister too?" the guy asked as Puck sat down. Puck thought for a moment before responding.
"I'm here with my...uh... acquaintance's sister," he said. The guy chuckled.
"Cool, dude. I'm Cole."
The two of them got to talking and became good friends. After the practice, the guys from Puck's hockey team started showing up. Puck high fived Daphne and she rushed off to sit in the stands with Cole's little sister.
Every day after that, Puck took Daphne to the arena and they'd return two hours later. But one weekend Puck was away for a tournament and couldn't take Daphne. So, Veronica dropped her off while she went grocery shopping.
When Daphne went onto the ice, she looked around for someone she knew. Sitting in the very front were Sabrina and Red. The girla smiled and waved at her when they made eye contact.
After the game, which Daphne had won for the team, she exited the dressing room. Sabrina and Red walked over to her. Red kissed her on the cheek.
"You did amazing, Daphne."
She turned bright red and her teammates giggled to themselves.

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