Not Your Girlfriend pt.2

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Sabrina got a sinking feeling in her gut whenever Puck tried to talk to her after that. And I say tried, because she wouldn't stay long enough for him to even start his sentence. He tried texting her, calling her, even E-mailing her, but she ignored them all. She didn't have time to listen to his excuses. Sometimes she wondered what he wanted to say, but her stubbornness overtook her curiosity and she eventually forgot about her theories.

When school started up again, the first thing Sabrina did was search around for Angie to tell her what Puck had attempted. After five minutes, she finally found her. She was standing at her locker...making out with Kurt. Sabrina cringed when she noticed Puck approach her.

"Well would you look at that," he told Sabrina, throwing his arms up towards the kissing couple. "They're dating now! And they have been since before Christmas break. Gee, I wonder why you didn't know. If only someone had been trying to tell you- OH WAIT."

He shot Sabrina a dirty look and the blonde felt very, very small. She nervously fidgeted with her hands and tried to stammer out a response. Puck furrowed his eyebrows and scowled.

"That's what I thought."

The fairy turned and swiftly walked away into the oncoming crowd of students. Sabrina let out the saddest, most defeated sigh humanly possible as she sulked over to her locker. She had ruined her only chance with the only guy she had ever liked. Talk about a nightmare. It was only worse when Bella joined her.

"So, I hear Puck's single now," she said, nudging Sabrina with her elbow. "Go get him, tiger, before it's too late."

Sabrina groaned in frustration and started repeatedly hitting her forehead against her locker door. "It's already too late, Bella, I lost him. Again," she said between hits. Bella grabbed Sabrina by the shoulders and pulled her away from her locker.

"What happened, girl? You looke like a zombie," the frog girl said, fixing Sabrina's side swept bangs and adjusting the girl's shirt. Sabrina sighed and told Bella about the whole ordeal. By the end of it, Bella's facial expression could only be described as cringe.

"Yikes," she said, nervously scratching the back of her neck. "That...that's rough. Like, really rough."

"Ugh, I know." Sabrina groaned. "It's like the second he's available, I mess up. And right when I have even the slightest hint of a chance, he's in a relationship. Why is this happening to me?"

Bella was too busy thinking to respond to Sabrina's whining. She tapped her chin and looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of a way for Sabrina to get Puck back. She didn't have much of a plan, but so far it involved a baby grizzly bear and a college formatted apology essay. Then, it hit her. She turned to Sabrina with determination in her eyes.

"I know a way to get him back, but we have to work quickly. I can already see some girls making their move." She nodded down the hall to the cheerleading captain talking to Puck. She was gazing up at him and was twirling her hair around her finger. Sabrina gulped as she turned back to Bella.

"Okay. What do I do?"

Bella's plan was genius! Well, it was only genius if Puck had forgiven Sabrina by the end of the day, but Sabrina tried not to think about that part. Instead, she powered through the day, eager to get home and get things set up for Operation: Basically Beg Puck For Forgiveness Because Girl You Messed Up Big Time. It was a working title.

That night when Puck went to bed, he noticed a trail leading from his trampoline towards the door. He got closer and saw that the trail was made of small bundles of mistletoe. Right away he had a feeling he knew what was going on, so he unfurled his wings and followed the trail. It led through the forest, out into the hallway, and into Sabrina's room. The door was wide open, which only further confirmed Puck's suspicions. He walked into the room and saw Sabrina standing in the middle of it, with a mistletoe hanging above her head. They made eye contact and Puck's heart skipped a beat.

"You know, you didn't have to do this," he said, closing the door behind him before walking over to her. "I was done being mad at you by, like, lunch."

Sabrina chuckled. "Well, I wanted to do something. I feel like a major jerk for ignoring you."

"Well, you are." Puck said, crossing his arms. Sabrina bit her lip nervously. A smile spread across Puck's lips. "I'm finally starting to rub off on you! I guess your dad was right about me being a bad influence."

The two of them laughed, and Sabrina hadn't noticed Puck's face getting closer to hers. By the time she had noticed, their lips were already centimeters apart.

Then the bedroom door opened.

The two teens whipped around and saw Daphne standing in the doorway holding her stuffed bunny. "Alright, run along. I have a test tomorrow and I have to sleep well tonight." She stumbled over to the bed and plopped down face first into the pillows. Sabrina laughed nervously.

"Well, I guess that moment is rui-"

She was interrupted by Puck kissing her. And then they were interrupted by Daphne shouting "Get a room, you bozos!" from underneath the blankets.

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