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Red was looking through her old things from her life back in Ferryport Landing. Ever since she moved to Iowa to get away from it all, she missed her former home. She'd only been gone a few months, but she longed to see Daphne's cheery face and kind smile. She missed her best friend so.
While looking through her boxes, she found a guitar. Red smiled at the memories she had learning the guitar with Pinocchio.
He was like a brother to her, and she loved him more than words could convey. She loved him for taking hours just to teach her a single cord. She loved him for remaining patient and not getting irritated for even a second. And most of all, she loved him for not giving up on her when even she had given up on herself. Pinocchio truly was the best and she felt that she didn't deserve him.
Red picked up the guitar and set it in her lap. It was made with a light wood and had painted red hearts around the edges, courtesy of Sabrina. It also had little golden crowns drawn in between each heart, put there by Puck. The strings were taken from a broken guitar Daphne found on the side of the road and the body was handmade by Pinocchio. She smiled, remembering the great times she'd had with them. They were her family, something she hadn't had in centuries.
Too bad they were gone...
Red still remembered what happened that day. They tried to protect one another, but they were no match for the furious beast that had consumed her. And then she had consumed them, one by one. It broke Red's heart remembering the horror in everyone's eyes, but what she did was out of her control. She gently set the guitar down in her box when she heard a knock on the front door.
They had found her.

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