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Sabrina was looking through old boxes filled with her stuff from when she was living in Ferryport Landing. The last time she had been to that town was for the family reunion in 2019, but that was fifteen years prior to this story.
She found her old journal, old clothes, and other random souvenirs she had from her many adventures. There was a pink box tied with a silk black ribbon sitting at the bottom of the mess. Sabrina picked it up, gently untied the ribbon, and opened the box.
It was filled with the dozens of letters Puck had sent her while he and Jake were away on their trip. The first letter was sent on the one year anniversary of their departure, and the letters came monthly after that. She'd always write back to him the second she was finished reading what he had sent.
His letters often included Polaroid selfies of him in front of Amazonian Temples, Pyramids, and even Green Boots. Sabrina was envious of his many adventures, but she knew that she was better at home. She was safer that way.
But one picture was her favourite. It was a picture of him in front of the Eiffel tower that he sent on Valentine's Day when they were fifteen. Underneath the photo was written: "Wish I could see you, I'm tired of spending Valentine's Day alone :(".
A few months after that photo was sent, Jake got Puck a phone so they could video chat. Sabrina and Puck talked non-stop until a trip to Greece where the boy's phone had been swallowed by a ferocious manticore.
They resorted back to sending letters for a few years, but it wasn't the same. Sabrina wanted to see him and Puck wanted to see her. After Sabrina went off to college, they had tragically lost contact and had seemingly moved on.
Sabrina's phone buzzed with a notification from Instagram. She realized how soon her husband would be getting home, so she left the attic and walked into the living room. And like clockwork, he walked in the front door at that exact time.
Sabrina pulled him in for a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"Daddy!" their five year old daughter, Clementine, rushed into the room and jumped into her father's arms.
"Wow, you're up late," he said, picking her up and placing her on his shoulders. "Did you wait until I came home to go to bed again?"
"Welcome home, honey."
"Glad to see you, babe." he kissed Sabrina's cheek and placed an arm around her waist, his other arm holding Clementine in place on his shoulders. "I love you,"
"I love you too."
"I love you guys more!" Clementine declared, unfurling her wings and falling backwards off of her father's shoulders shoulders. She flew in a loop-de-loop before gently landing on the carpeted floor.
"Daddy, can you tell me another story tonight?" she asked. The man glanced at Sabrina.
"Your mother has a few stories I think you'd like," he said. Clementine pouted.
"But your stories are so much cooler than Mommy's! Hers are boring."
"Oh, I'm sure you'll like this one. And if you don't, will it help if I tell two stories tomorrow night?" he asked, kneeling down so him and Clementine were at eye level. The little girl thought for a moment.
Sabrina smirked and walked over to her husband and daughter. "My story starts when a little annoying brat - a little annoying brat that I still know to this day, may I add - almost pushed me into a pool."
"You still know him? Is he still annoying?" Clementine asked. Sabrina nodded.
Her husband stifled his laughs and sat down on the couch. Clementine crawled onto his lap and sat down. Sabrina sat down next to them.
"What did you do to the brat?" Clementine asked. "Did you punch him? I bet you punched him."
"I did punch him."
"Would you still punch him?"
"Oh, no. Never."
"Why not?"
Sabrina and her husband exchanged a knowing look. "Because I married him."

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