Long Time, No See

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Sabrina woke up to a centipede in her bed. She shrieked and fell onto the carpet floor. The windows were locked, so she had no clue how a centipede could've gotten inside her apartment. Unless...
No, it couldn't be. She hadn't seen him for a decade and a half. Besides, she distanced herself from her family, so he would have no way of finding her.
The rest of the Grimms were all still obsessed with chasing leads and solving mysteries. Sabrina still visited them on holidays and talked to them, but she refused to tell them where she lived. She didn't want them showing up at her door asking her for help. She had left that life behind the second she moved away for college nine years prior.
Sabrina opened her window and edged the centipede towards it with a tissue.
"Don't worry, little guy, I'm only on the second floor," she whispered, like that would make the bug move any faster.
Eventually, the centipede crawled through her window and out of sight. She closed her window and sat on her bed in silence for a few seconds. She checked her phone, but she hadn't received the usual good morning text message from Daphne. What if something happened to her?
No, Sabrina. She's fine, probably just slept in, she thought. Sabrina got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a white blouse with multi coloured flowers, and white converse. She tied her hair into two French braids and walked into the kitchen. She was out of coffee beans and was running a little late. When she arrived at the therapist's office, Joey was waiting impatiently for her.
"There you are! Our first client is almost here," he said bitterly. The way they ran the office was a little different than usual. Someone would come in, introduce themselves to Joey and tell him which therapist they'd prefer to see. Then, the therapist would enter and the appointment would go on as usual. The rest of the therapists would hang out in the back room. But thanks to the sound proof walls, they wouldn't be heard or be hearing anything.
"So, who's in first?" Sabrina asked, hoping she'd get to see Evelyn. Evelyn was an eleven year old person struggling to find their identity and where they fit in the world. At their first appointment, they just asked for any therapist. Them and Sabrina instantly clicked, so Evelyn had requested to see her since that day.

Joey checked his clipboard. "Uh, some chick named Robin," he replied. "Head into the back room with Maybelle, Issac, and Eleanor."
Sabrina nodded and did as she was told. When she entered the room, Eleanor smiled sweetly, her knee length auburn braids swaying back and forth as she made her way over to the coffee machine.
"Hello, Sabrina," she said softly. Sabrina smiled back, but she wasn't really in a good mood. The blonde sat down at the table and held her head in her hands. She was still worried that something had happened to Daphne. Or worse...he had found her. Sabrina couldn't even imagine seeing him again.
Did he keep aging, even when they were apart? Or was he still a twelve year old? Sabrina snickered at the thought of running into a scrawny, pimpley, pre-teen boy who she used to know. But then it got her thinking...and she decided that if that encounter were to happen, it would be more awkward than humourous.
The room went silent as Joey entered.
"So, turns out Robin is a dude, but that's not important," he said. "And he asked for any therapist, so, Sabrina. You're up." Joey jabbed his thumb towards the door when they made eye contact. Sabrina nodded, grabbed her notepad and pen, then walked into the main room.
Sitting on the black leather couch was a tall, muscular man - most likely in his late twenties. He had curly blonde hair and a few freckles scattered around his nose. His emerald green eyes shone in the light from the lamp and Sabrina couldn't help but notice his pointy ears.
The man was dressed fairly nicely. Dark green button up with the top button unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and half of the bottom of the shirt tucked into is black ripped jeans. They stared silently at eachother for at least ten seconds.
"...Grimm?" His voice was a lot deeper than what Sabrina remembered, and it slightly startled her.
"P-puck? What are you doing here?" she was shocked to see the misogynistic egomaniac in a therapist's office. Puck blushed and sat up.
"Well, I-I guess that I've started to see how my actions have been affecting people, and I want to get better," he said, smiling nervously at Sabrina. She smiled back and sat down in the chair across from him. Puck bit his lip nervously and looked down at the floor.
"You look...great, by the way," he said, looking up to admire Sabrina's eyes, which he found breathtaking. Baby blue mixed with blue-ish grey. Perfect combination, in his opinion. Sabrina blushed.
"Uh, th-thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," she stammered.
"You know, I haven't left yet."
The two of them turned to see Joey standing on the other side of the room. They turned bright red and he chuckled.
"No, no, you two catch up. I'll leave," he smirked, then winked at Sabrina before closing the door behind him.
"So," Sabrina said. "I'd really like to catch up, but I do have a job to do. Are you free tonight at 6?" She asked. Puck thought for a moment before nodding. Sabrina smiled. "Meet me at my apartment, it's on-"
"Oh, I already know. I was walking down the street when I heard you shriek and fall off of something, I'm guessing your bed." Puck interrupted her, chuckling. Sabrina turned red with embarrassment.
6:00pm came faster than Sabrina thought it would. She barely had time to touch up her makeup before Puck knocked on the door. She opened it and smiled.
They were silent as Sabrina let Puck in and closed the door behind him. There was an awkward pause where they waited for the other to speak. Puck smirked.
"Hey, remember Captain Doodie Face?" he asked. Sabrina scowled as he laughed.
"Don't antagonize me, fairy boy."
"It's fairy man, now, Grimmie."

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